How much does Wheaton College cost?

Wheaton College full-time tuition, average housing, food, and fees—a.k.a. the average direct cost for on-campus undergraduate students—will be $57,708 for the 2023-2024 academic year.

For actual costs, please reference the cost page.

But keep in mind: Most Wheaton students do not pay this average cost. They pay their specific price less any grants and scholarships, which varies based on the information you supply on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

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Wheaton College 2023-2024 Cost of Attendance

Below, you’ll find a breakdown of the costs to attend Wheaton for the upcoming academic year.

Wheaton College 2023-2024 Costs 
Tuition $43,670
Average Course Fees $266
Average On-Campus Housing $7,550*
Food $5,962✝
Health and Wellness Fee $260
Total Direct Cost: $57,708
Books ($38/hour) $910
Personal/Misc. $1,800
Transportation $640
Total Cost: $61,058
Fee for Passage $995**

For more detailed costs, please reference the cost page.
* Room charges may vary depending on options chosen
✝ Cost based on a full 18 meal plan option plus an allowance for an additional three meals per week.
** Financial assistance for Wheaton Passage will be determined by information provided on a student's FAFSA and aid eligibility. No further application is required.

Two more points to note:

  • The tuition costs listed here are actually 18% percent lower than Wheaton’s full tuition rate, thanks to support from the college’s endowment and its generous donors.
  • Wheaton's tuition is below the average for the other top 60 schools listed in U.S. News and World Report’s National Liberal Arts Colleges rankings.

Need some help?

Whether you have questions about affording a Wheaton education or want more information about our academic programs, Wheaton's admissions counselors are your first point of contact.