Bellah Kiteki Ph.D.Assistant Professor of Counseling
On Faculty since 2015
- Biography
- Education
- Areas of Expertise
- Professional Affiliations
- Courses Taught
- Selected Publications and Presentations
- Research Labs
Dr. Kiteki is a Licensed Professional Counselor (OH) and a National Certified Counselor. She received her B.Ed. in Christian Religious Education and Kiswahili studies from Moi University, and M.A. in Kiswahili Studies from The University of Nairobi in Kenya, M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Bowling Green State University and her Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Kiteki’s teaching experience began as a high school teacher in Kenya. In her clinical experience, she has previously worked with adolescents and adults with chemical dependency and substance abuse issues. Dr. Kiteki’s primary research interests are in the areas of clinical supervision and refugees, especially African refugee youth. Her research focus on African refugee youth has included resilience as well as career development through group work. In clinical supervision, she has conducted research on clinical supervision in Kenya and international counseling trainees’ experiences in supervision. Outside of teaching and research, she has been involved in volunteer work with refugees and immigrants through refugee resettlement agencies such as World Relief. She enjoys exercising, especially walking and running, playing tennis and badminton for fun, and hiking.
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Ph.D., Counselor Education and Supervision
Bowling Green State University
M.A., Clinical Mental Health Counseling
University of Nairobi, Kenya
M.A., Kiswahili Studies
Moi University, Kenya
B.Ed., Christian Religious Education and Kiswahili Studies
- Clinical Supervision
- Mental Health and Resilience in Vulnerable Populations
- American Counseling Association (2004-present)
- Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (2004-present)
- Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (2017-present)
- North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (2015-present)
- Practicum
- Internship
- Human Growth and Development
- Group Counseling
- Counseling in Mental Health Settings
- Spirituality and Religion in Counseling
- Counseling Skills and Techniques
- Theories in Counseling
- Foundations of Integration I & II
Kiteki, B. N., Can, A., Kemer, G., & Preston, J. (2022). “A Big Part is To Address the Elephant”: International Counselor Trainees' Experiences in Clinical Supervision in the United States. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 15(3). Article available here.
Kiteki, B. N., Lou, S., Liu, T. (2022). The Impact of COVID-19 Virus Pandemic Lockdowns on Refugee Mental: A Narrative Review. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 18, 1–19. Article available here.
Kiteki, B. N., Yong, A., Sotonye, N. H., & Onyambu, F. N. (2022) “In All Our Training, Where Was This Thing Called Supervision?” Clinical Supervision in Kenya. The Clinical Supervisor. Article available here.
Kiteki, B. N. (2021). African refugee youth's experiences and impact on career development: an adaptation of a culturally responsive career exploration group, The Journal for Specialists in Group Work. 46, 1, 90-107. Article available here.
Kiteki, B. N. (2016). The Case for Resilience in African Refugees: A Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research. VISTAS, 66, 1–21. Article available here.
Kiteki, B. N. (2020, July). Clinical Supervision in Kenya: preliminary findings of status and perceptions of counselors and psychologists. Education session presented at the Fourteenth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision: Virtual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Kim-Appel, D., Kiteki, B. N., Na, G., Dhanaraj, C., Jeong, J., Choudhuri, D., & Appel, J. (October, 2019). International/transnational supervision in U.S. counseling programs: perspectives from faculty and students. Education session presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision: Seattle, WA.
Watson, T., Kiteki, B. N., & Yoo, H. (2019, March). Fostering ethical practice through clinical supervision: emerging trends in psychology, counseling, and marriage and family therapy. Education session presented at the Annual Conference of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies: Irving, TX.
Kiteki, B. N. (2017, July). Religion and Spirituality as sources of resilience in working with African refugees: lessons from Rwanda. Education session presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Spiritual, Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling: Richmond, VA.
Watson, T., & Kiteki, B. N., Yoo, H. (2017, March). Fostering diversity competence and advocacy skills in clinical supervision. Education session presented at the Annual Conference of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies: Lombard, IL.
Kiteki, B. N. (2015, October). The mental health and well-being of refugee youth: from trauma to resilience-based focus. Education session presented at the Annual Conference of the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision: Philadelphia, PA.
Kiteki, B. N., Guth, L. J., Asner-Self, K., Strentzsch, J., Clarke, L., Shannon, D., Scott, A. (2015, March). International counseling in the warm heart of Africa: counselor reflections and current research. Education session presented at the Annual Conference of the American Counseling Association: Orlando, FL.
Dr. Kiteki has been a recipient of four internal grants. The first grant enabled her to attend a Multicultural Trauma Training Institute in Kigali, Rwanda. Her second was towards a research study exploring counselors’ experiences and perspectives on clinical supervision in Kenya. The third grant is towards continuation of examining clinical supervision in Kenya specifically focusing on clinical supervisors’ training, experiences, and challenges. She has also been a Co-recipient of a grant towards the good neighbor project, a project that explores the attitudes of White Christians, inter-group contact, and good neighbor behavior.