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Applying to the Vanguard Gap Year

Embrace the Adventure

Apply Today!

Yes! We're currently accepting applications for the 2019-20 academic year. We advise you to apply early since there are are a maximum of 12 spots for each gender. Once accepted, you will receive packing information, community life expectations, employment paperwork, and detailed payment information.

If you have questions about Vanguard Gap Year, are interested in learning more about gap year programs, or need help with your application, please contact our Program Manager, Charlie Goeke, by email or call him at 715.479.7474 ext. 231.

Application Process


  • Complete the online application with personal information and three essay questions.
  • Choose three people who can provide insight as to your academic aptitude, spiritual commitment and your potential to excel in this environment. Include their contact information when prompted in the application - please be sure to ask permission and notify these references. After we receive your application, your references will receive an email with instructions on how to submit their recommendation.
  • If you have any questions, email our Program Manager, Charlie Goeke.


  • The Wheaton College Community Covenant is a document that describes the responsibilities of being a part of the Wheaton College community. Please be sure to familiarize your self with it as you prepare for your Vanguard experience.    Online version    Download PDF

Note: Acceptance to the Vanguard Gap Year does not guarantee acceptance to Wheaton College. Upon successful completion of the Vanguard program and with a positive recommendation from our faculty, participants receive preference in the undergraduate admissions process for the upcoming fall semester at Wheaton College. Vanguards will be guided through the college application process at any college of their choice (if desired) during the program. Vanguards will have extensive exposure to Wheaton and its people as part of this experience. 

vanguard goes climbing in northwoods
Apply to Vanguard

Embrace the Adventure - apply to the Vanguard Gap Year of Wheaton College!