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School of Adventure Leadership Training (SALT)

Develop your skills in wilderness and adventure leadership through training and internship opportunities.

Why the School of Adventure Leadership Training?

We want to prepare you for a career in outdoor leadership. HoneyRock has 50-plus years of experience in the field of wilderness and adventure leadership, and we have a passion for developing and training leaders who can make an impact. This three-month program equips you with the hard and soft skills necessary to be a professional in the field of adventure ministry. You will gain a strong foundation in the areas of wilderness leadership, adventure ministry, and faith formation. Taking part in this program means entering into an intentional development process that combines industry-standard training with real-life ministry experience.

  • Lead trips to some of the best Midwest wilderness destinations.
  • Gain marketable skills through extensive training, certifications, and leadership experience - dig into program details.
  • Join a team of close-knit team of students led by program staff committed to your personal development and support.

More than that, joining this program means diving into something that’s real, something that immerses you in what it means to love Jesus and love like Jesus. It’s kingdom ministry that’s intense, deep, and life changing.

For questions or information on how to apply to the SALT program, please stop by the HoneyRock Office in Schell Hall 102 or contact Michael Odberg: michael.odberg@wheaton.edu / 715.479.7474 ext 229.

SALT Program Details

While you need to love the outdoors, you don't need to have any certifications before coming to work at HoneyRock. We can equip you with the needed certifications and experience to lead trips!

Dates Certification Fee Notes
May 17 - 26 Wilderness First Responder (WFR)  $450 Required for those who don't have current WFR certification
May 17 - 26 ACCT Challenge Course Level 1 $450 Available for those who have current WFR certification
May 16 - August 22 Certified Outdoor Leader, Wilderness Education Association (WEA) $100, (included!) Must pass written exam & lead Wilderness Passage to fulfill final field day requirements

After earning the bulk of your certifications, you'll have the opportunity to press the learning into practice by leading a camper program (2:22) and a college pre-orientation program (Wheaton Passage - Wilderness Track).

Dates Activity
May 26 Training for 2:22 Begins
July 1 - July 26 Leading 2:22 Campers
July 27 - August 6 Preparing to Lead Wheaton Passage
August 7 - 22 Leading Wheaton Passage Wilderness Track


During training, you will live in cabin-style housing with other students of your same gender. Once you begin your leadership practicum, you will move to stay with the campers you are leading. Meals are covered by the program fee and will be provided for the entire length of the program, including weekends.

Mike Odberg, Program Manager, would love to connect with you!

Phone: 715.479.7474 ext 229

Email: michael.odberg@wheaton.edu

If you currently attend Wheaton College and are on campus, apply in person at the HoneyRock office located in Schell Hall or call 630.752.5124 (ext 5124 if you are on campus).

If you attend other colleges or universities, go to the Application Portal to apply through our online application system.

Applications are received using a rolling admissions process. Once you’ve completed your application, a HoneyRock staff member will contact you to set up an interview and walk you through the further steps of the application process.

students canoeing on long lake with map
Apply to the School of Adventure Leadership Training

Intense, deep, and life-changing kingdom ministry. Equip yourself with industry standard training and real ministry experience to become a seasoned professional in the field of high school ministry and outdoor adventure. Apply to SALT today!