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Connecting with your camper

While we'll always encourage parents and campers to write snail mail, we wanted to make this additional option available! We've partnered again with Bunk1 to offer photos, Bunk Notes, and NEW this year - Bunk Replies!

We've compiled the frequently asked questions into the list below. If you have additional questions, reach out directly to Bunk1 at support@bunk1.com!

To Access Bunk1

You do not need to create a new account with Bunk1! Follow these steps to access Bunk1:

  1. Access Your HoneyRock Account and Sign In
  2. Click the link "Send Bunk Notes and View Photos"
  3. Select a Bundle for purchase!*

Want the app? Bunk1 is available in the App Store and on Google Play.

*Viewing photos will always be free! Select this as your bundle option.

Frequently Asked Questions

No – you’ll use the same credentials (email and password) you use for your HoneyRock account. This means, years from now, you’ll never have to remember a random password…it will always be the same as your HoneyRock account email and password.

This is a great feature! By setting up Express, you'll create a unique email address for your camper. Then, you use that email address from your personal email. There's no need to log into Bunk1 to send a note to your camper!

To create the unique email address for your camper, click on Bunk Notes Express under the Bunk Notes tab. Once the new page opens find the name of your child and click on "Change" next to the email address.

Option One: Bunk Notes Express

We love this option! By setting up Express, you'll create a unique email address for your camper. Then, you use that email address from your personal email. If you give this personalized email address to friends and family, they can email your camper directly (without having to log into Bunk1.) This option will draw from the credits you have purchased at 1 credit/email. If you have purchased the unlimited option, you can send unlimited emails!

Option Two: Invite Family/Friends

If you want family/friends to purchase their own bundle, this is the route for you:

  1. Once you're in Bunk1 (use the directions above), view the account menu and click "Invite Family Members". This also appears under the Dashboard under "Quick Links".
  2. Your family member will then receive an email from Bunk1 Customer Care, containing a unique link. Once they click on the link, they will be prompted to choose a password and create an account.

Please note: For security purposes, invited family and friends do not gain access to your account or any Bunk Note Credits in your account if you choose option two.

Go to your HoneyRock registration account and reset your password there – then, log into Bunk1 with your HoneyRock email and new, changed password. Do not try and change your credentials through Bunk1!

HoneyRock receives Bunk Notes every morning. This includes all Bunk Notes received in the preceding 24 hours. We then distribute (and pick up Bunk Replies) at lunch.

NO! If you’re prompted to select a “bundle”, scroll down and click on the orange bar that will let you view the photos for free.

We think that’s funny, too – it just reflects that Bunk1 isn’t keeping track of your credits since you purchased the unlimited package.

Once you complete your Bunk Note, you will be automatically redirected to the "View Sent" Bunk Notes page. You can navigate to this page by clicking on Bunk Notes > View Sent. All of the messages that appear under View Sent, have been delivered to your camper. Every morning HoneyRock receives a single pdf document containing all the Bunk Notes that were received over the last 24 hours. 

This simply confirms the note was successfully sent. It will also reflect your credit balance. Remember – if you purchased the unlimited package, your credit balance will always read as 0.

  • Safety & Security. This system ensures that only those with a HoneyRock camper registration account (and the select family/friends they invite) can access HoneyRock photos.
  • Tech Support. Bunk1’s support team is 100% focused on your experience so we can be 100% focused on your camper’s experience. When you email them with a question (support@bunk1.com) they’ll answer within 24 hours – but we’ve found it’s often much quicker than that.
  • Continuity. You’ll always have access to these photos with the same email and password – no need to remember a different password from each year (like we had to do with our previous service).
  • Favorites. Instead of digging through photos multiple times, click through and select those with your camper. You’ll create your own gallery with photos of your camper!



Bunk Replies

This year, we’ll be piloting a new service, called “Bunk Replies” which allows your camper to handwrite a note that is then emailed to you.

Bunk Replies allow you to receive a handwritten response directly into your Bunk1 account. To do this, you have two options:

  1. Pre-Purchase: purchase the special bar-coded stationery prior to camp and send with your camper OR
  2. Add: add reply stationery when you send your Bunk Note

This stationery is uniquely bar-coded and linked to your Bunk1 account. If you purchase in advance, you can print off as many copies as you like and pack it with your camper. Make sure your camper knows to write on the bar-coded stationery and hand it into their counselor.

Once your camper writes and hands in their letter, our staff will fax the response and it will be sent to your Bunk1 account.

That’s great! It’s still our #1 way we like to see parents and campers communicating while they’re at camp. Keep it up!

This gets sticky quickly – while our staff will be coached to encourage campers to use this feature (as we also encourage snail-mailers to write home), we won’t force it.


You can always add reply stationery when you send your Bunk Note. When your Bunk Note is delivered to your camper, the reply stationary will be included.


We’re going to experiment with Bunk Replies this year and decide in the Fall as to whether we continue the service.