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HoneyRock Financial Assistance

Thanks to the recent gifts of generous donors, we have financial aid available past the April 15th deadline! To apply, follow the instructions at the end of this page.

We recognize sending a child to HoneyRock is a significant financial investment for many families. We never want the cost to stand in the way of a child coming to HoneyRock. If you are concerned about finances, please explore some of the following options we have listed here for you. If you have questions or concerns please contact our Registration Coordinator, Nancy Robins, at nancy.robins@wheaton.edu

All scholarship applications will be reviewed and awarded after the April 15th application deadline and before the May 15th final payment due date. Needs-based scholarships are awarded based on financial need and available funds. Look for your email award notification in early May!

1. Involve Others

Grandparents and other family members often ask what gifts to buy for Christmas and birthdays. A HoneyRock camp experience makes a great gift! We also suggest talking with your church - there may be ways to work with them to help finance your child's camp experience.

2. Payment Plan

We can work with you to set up a plan to pay off your balance over time. Our online system allows for monthly automatic withdrawals from your bank account or credit card. Alternatively, you may prefer to contact the registration coordinator directly to help you design an individualized payment plan. 

Note: You will be unable to register for future camp programs until the previous year's balance is paid in full.

3. 2019 Scholarship Programs

All scholarship applications will be reviewed and awarded after the April 15 application deadline and before the May 15th final payment due date. Matching Scholarships are available to all campers. Need-based scholarships are awarded based on financial need and available funds. Look for your email award notification in early May.

Matching Scholarship Program

We strongly encourage all campers to contribute to their own camp experience. Not only does this assist you financially, but it gives campers a deeper sense of ownership for their experience. HoneyRock will match every dollar a child contributes to the program fee up to $200.

Along with the matching section of the scholarship application, campers should submit a written explanation or other documentation of how they've earned (or plan to earn) their matching funds. As parents, you will assure the money is paid directly to you from your camper, the application is completed, and documentation is submitted via e-mail to our Registration Coordinator or by mail to the HoneyRock office by April 15th. Need some inspiration? Check out the Camper Matching Scholarship Examples.

  • By Mail: 8660 Honey Rock Road, Three Lakes, WI 54562
  • By Email: nancy.robins@wheaton.edu

Need-Based Scholarship Program

Over the years many generous donors have given to HoneyRock Scholarship Accounts that exist to provide families in need with the financial means necessary to send their children to camp. Families who have multiple children coming to camp, single-parent families, families involved in full-time ministry, and families working through unexpected financial burdens due to medical reasons or job loss are encouraged to apply for this type of financial assistance.

To Receive Financial Assistance

To receive financial assistance, a camper must first be registered for one of our summer camp programs. Registering a child for camp requires payment of the $150 deposit per child. 

Due to limited funds, we cannot guarantee fulfillment of your request. Applications received after the deadline are subject to a significant disadvantage. In the event financial assistance is insufficient, families may cancel their registration and receive a full refund.

  1. Register your camper(s) for summer camp
  2. Complete the Financial Assistance Application
  3. Receive the award notification in early May