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Supplementary HoneyRock Camper Forms

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Below you'll find supplementary camp forms. This includes:

  • Transportation Authorization Form
  • Financial Assistance Form
  • Immunization Waiver Form
  • Epi and Inhaler Form
nationwide bus pulling around the corner at Wheaton College
Transportation Authorization Form

If a camper is getting a ride home with anyone other than their parent or legal guardian, we must have a completed copy of this form. Click the link below to complete it online. Once you hit submit, we'll receive the form electronically!

young camper boys jumping off a bench at the rock wall
Financial Assistance Form

With the exception of our Camper Matching Program (which all campers are eligible for), scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need. Our goal is to see that anyone wishing to attend camp has the opportunity to do so! See more information about how HoneyRock awards financial aid..

camper girls setting up tent on front lawn at honeyrock in three lakes wi
Immunization Waiver Form

We believe the entire camp population is best served when every camper is immunized. HoneyRock Health Center will, however, consider a request for exemption as it relates to the laws of Wisconsin under several select circumstances. If you are opting for an immunization waiver, you must complete this form.

campers on the playing field at HoneyRock in Three Lakes, WI
Epi and Inhaler Carry Form

In the past, the Health Center checked in these medications and gave them to our camper’s counselor to carry. We are now giving you the option of having your camper retain possession of their inhaler or Epi-Pen.