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#MyHoneyRock Blog

Posted December 12, 2017 by HoneyRock

I have a confession to make.  I started listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving this year!  Scandalous I know, but I did do it privately so as not to offend the premature holiday music naysayers.  I’m not sure why the Christmas spirit got into me so early?  Perhaps its having two sons away at college and the anticipation of having them home soon?  Maybe it was the 10 inches of snow that came to the Northwoods early in November?  One thing is for certain, celebrating the Christmas season at HoneyRock always boosts my holiday morale!


Each year, all of the current students and staff come together for a Christmas celebration.  In years past, we would gather at full-time staff member’s homes.  However, our numbers have grown so that we had to move the festivities to the Chrouser Dining Hall.


I tried to remember all the different things we have done at these yearly gatherings, and just had to smile.  We’ve really had some fun!  Wreath making, games, karaoke, carol singing, talent shows, cookie frosting, ornament making, broomball, sleigh rides, tubing, tree decorating, ugly sweaters, costumes, special dinners, community guests, white elephant gift exchanges, photo booths, prayer times, and hot cocoa stations are among the things we have done!  Amidst all the activities however, being together as an entire camp “family” is what makes it most special to me.  


Unfortunately, I had to miss this year’s party in order to care for my son in Texas who had a ruptured appendix!  He’s now doing fine, and some of the leftover treats were sent to our home for us to enjoy later, but I do feel that I missed out on an event that I love!


If you have ever been a part of a HoneyRock Christmas party, then you know what I mean.  Take time to remember the fun and warmth of those friendships.  Rest assured, we remember and love you!  Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!


Jackie Ribbe

Site & Facilities Office Assistant