Posted November 9, 2016 by
Tags: Graduate School
“Aslan" said Lucy "you're bigger".
"That is because you are older, little one" answered he.
"Not because you are?"
"I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger".”
― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
With the leaves changing and falling and a new season approaching, I naturally lean towards a time of reflection.
And as I reflect, I realize I am not who I was this time last year. God has been forming me through grad school and work and this HoneyRock community. I have a deeper knowledge and understanding of myself and of Him. Like Aslan to Lucy, God seems bigger.
One of the great things about God is that He is always calling us deeper and closer to Him. The process of growth and learning doesn’t end. We never come to a point when we have all the answers. So He calls us ever deeper towards Him.
What I’ve been learning is that at times I have a problem with control. I tend to get this picture or dream of the life I think I am supposed to have or want to have in my head. Then I feel like I have to take control and make it happen. I often end up with a sense of panic and anxiety feeling that I have to make this picture of the good life happen. Yet what God has been showing me this fall is that I have a deeper issue of not trusting in His love and goodness towards me. He is our good, good Father! Still at times I doubt that love. I still doubt that He desires the best for me.
Through looking at the trees, God has been teaching me a lesson. If I was tree I would look at these beautiful, colorful leaves and I wouldn’t want to let go of them! As I sat and watched the leaves fall it seemed that they always land so gently even when the wind picks them up and carries them or spins them around. God will take care of us. I can let go of this control and trust in His love. He is holding my identity and life in His hands and He has the best in mind. I am reminded of Matthew 6 when Jesus is talking about worry, and this is my autumn version, “Look at the trees of the forest. They don’t worry about every leaf that falls for they know their heavenly Father will bring them through the winter. Are you not much more valuable than the trees?”
Look at the trees and remember that our God calls us ever deeper and closer to Him. What is one leaf that you need to let go of holding onto and trust in God’s love and goodness?
~written by Molly Shore and Sarah Davis