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#MyHoneyRock Blog

Posted December 20, 2016 by

Christmas at HoneyRock 2016

One of the many perks of living on a wooded property in the northwoods is that we never have to buy a Christmas tree!  For the past twenty-two winters, the Ribbe family has ventured out a few weeks before Christmas to find the perfect tree.  What surprises me every time is that from a distance, what looks like the “perfect” tree is, upon closer inspection, often a cluster of two or three smaller trees.  To separate one out would leave us with a tree not much better than Charlie Brown’s.  The other dilemma is that each person in our family has a slightly different idea of what “perfect” is.  Thus begins the emotional process of finding, not finding, finding, not finding, finding THE PERFECT TREE.  

This year we found a great tree…tall, full, and shapely (see picture).  Other years, we’ve haven’t been as fortunate and had to settle for sparse, wide or crooked.  But at  the end of the day, once decorated and lit, each tree was beautiful because it was OUR tree. Meaningful ornaments were hung.  Special gifts were placed beneath.  Family gathered around.  PERFECT!

In this busy season, don’t be distracted by an illusion of “perfect”.  Ask God to give you eyes to see truth, and you might find something wonderful!

“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”   Psalm 119:18

~ written by Jackie Ribbe, Site & Facilities Office Assistant