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#MyHoneyRock Blog

Posted April 28, 2016 by

Sloppy joes have been a staple in American households for decades. Easy to make, inexpensive, and delicious, there is debate on their exact origin, though the story seems to be that they were invented in the 1920s or 30s in Iowa by a man named Floyd Angell.

Sloppy joe sandwich at HoneyRock

This household staple is also a staple at HoneyRock, served frequently throughout the year and during the summer. Our sloppy joes are made from scratch on 3½-inch hamburger buns with Fritos on the side—a lot of kids like to put their Fritos on their sloppy joe!

Here’s our recipe—it makes 10 servings.


Preparation: (This part is simple)

Sloppy joe sandwich at HoneyRock

~written by Lydia H. Stucki