The Perfect Tree
In this busy season, don’t be distracted by an illusion of “perfect”. Ask God to give you eyes to see truth, and you might find something wonderful!
Read MoreIn this busy season, don’t be distracted by an illusion of “perfect”. Ask God to give you eyes to see truth, and you might find something wonderful!
Read MoreIf it hadn’t been for HoneyRock’s hospitality and openness to meet me where I was, I don’t think that I would have encountered and come to love and serve Christ as I do today.
Read MoreI learned so much about community living and that it’s not always easy, but it’s always good, just as the following the Lord is not always easy but it’s always good. He is always good and will be good, no matter the circumstance or situation.
Read MoreExperiences in nature significantly impact the way that children develop, manage stress and connect with one another. As kids join HoneyRock’s Intro Camp, we look forward to seeing them grow as active learners, future leaders and stewards of nature.
Read MoreAt HoneyRock, what we eat is about fresh, healthy meals that provide filling nutrition.
Read MoreFor coffee lovers, this will be your go-to place at HoneyRock where you can rest from your outdoor adventures, engage with other HoneyRockers and experience different tastes of coffee. It’s a time to have your favorite coffee in hand!
Read MoreTo feed everyone at camp we'll make anywhere between 12-14 oatmeal bakes. Depending on age and size of the cabin, a little more than one casserole can feed about eight hungry Res campers and their two counselors.
Read MoreThis household staple is also a staple at HoneyRock, served frequently throughout the year and during the summer. Our sloppy joes are made from scratch on 3½-inch hamburger buns with Fritos on the side
Read MoreSummer camp brings children to a place away from home where they can learn to be independent. The challenges of camp aren’t just hiking or learning a new skill or completing an adventure challenge.
Read MoreTransitions haven’t always been easy for me, especially the transition from high school to college. I struggled deeply with the changes that were taking place.
Read MoreSLS provides deep, intentional community during a summer of service in ministry to young people. Students are given roles of influence and leadership after training that allow them to lead well while testing what they’ve learned
Read MoreHere’s a favorite of campers and their families: HoneyRock’s White Bread, which is served regularly for dinner and sold on Family Days. It’s a great recipe, made entirely from scratch here at HoneyRock’s bakery.
Read More“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, faithfully stewarding God's grace in its various forms.” ~I Peter 4:10
Read MoreWheaton Passage provides you with the time and space to reflect, envision and commit through small group adventures, upperclassman and faculty mentorship, exposure to liberal arts course work and the experiences in God’s beautiful creation.
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