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#MyHoneyRock Blog

Posted October 16, 2015 by

“A Glimpse of Heaven” 

Towering pines line a winding road
To a welcoming rock for the young and old
A serene sanctuary beside living waters
Providing needed respite from earthly matters

As rays of sunlight filter through the leaves
Songs of praise rise up through the trees
God’s amazing creation at its very best
A glorious place apart He’s so richly blessed

Calls on us to seek only after His righteousness
For solely in His Word we find peace and rest
That nurtures those unworthy He has chosen
To grow in grace through this glimpse of heaven

~ written by Robert Hinnen

Fall foliage road

Robert Hinnen, the author of this poem, has worked in HoneyRock’s camp doctor’s program for the past 30 years. He wrote “A Glimpse of Heaven” this summer while at HoneyRock:

“My wife and I were on a walk out to the rock one sun-filled day this summer and she remarked how much God had blessed her just by being in this place. I agreed that our time at HoneyRock is always a blessing and stated that being here was like "a glimpse of heaven". Later that same day, during a rainstorm, the words of this poem poured down on me.”

Path at HoneyRock

The poem was also inspired by Mr. Hinnen’s study of Mark, especially where Jesus says, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45, NIV)

“HoneyRock is all about service, but also a place of peace and rest,” Mr. Hinnen said. “My prayer is that these words will bring honor and glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Sunset on the lake

HoneyRock is a beautiful place where many people find peace and inspiration. #MyHoneyRock would love to feature works of art inspired by experiences in at HoneyRock. Please send your written or visual art (poetry, short prose, drawings, photography, etc.) to lisa.therron@wheaton.edu so that we can share your work on our blog.

~written by Lydia H. Stucki