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#MyHoneyRock Blog

Posted November 25, 2015 by

Rob Ribbe HoneyRock

I have recently crossed a couple of semi-significant life milestones: my eldest went to college, I turned 50, I completed my 25th year of working at HoneyRock, and I got glasses … not the readers … real glasses.

I tried contacts but my eyes didn’t like them. After the eye exam I brought three different frames home to the family to “vote” on which one fit my “style”. It was a hilarious process with my wife, three teenagers and their friends, as well as the college and graduate students of HoneyRock voting on what was best. In the end I went with the ones I liked most.

After a week I went to pick them up with my new lenses. When I put them on my face, to prep for adjustment by the technician my brain exploded with clarity, focus, colors I had not seen in quite a while. My head literally jumped back and I blurted an amazed exclamation. Bottom line: I guess I needed glasses.

For the past few months I’ve been reading Colossians over and over. It has long been my favorite section of scripture. I’ve been focused on the end of chapter 2 and chapter 3. I love the way the Message says it:

So if you are serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective.
Col 3:1-2

“See things from his perspective.”

I don’t want to be someone who is looking down, discouraged, absorbed with the stuff of this world. I want to see what Christ is doing ... aware of his movement, activity, grace, presence. What a shame to miss all that good stuff. I want to have HIS eyes.

As I look around HoneyRock these days I’m seeing a lot of God activity. He is equipping students for a life of impact, transforming broken hearts, speaking through the silence and power of his creation, revealing himself in loving Christian community. Throughout this fall at HoneyRock, our staff has taken 15-20 minutes every Friday morning during staff devotions to name God’s work at HoneyRock that week. This exercise has helped me see things from his perspective.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful, unique time of year. Scripture repeatedly calls us to give thanks, to remember God’s good works and love towards us his people and his world.

In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
 - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

I’m thankful that God is at work in this place and for the partnership of so many in making our mission possible. My best wishes to you and your families for a peaceful and blessed Thanksgiving.

- written by Rob Ribbe, Director of HoneyRock