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#MyHoneyRock Blog

Posted December 23, 2014 by

Loberg Lodge at HoneyRock, Wheaton College's outdoor center for leadership development

After almost 35 years of heavy year round use Loberg Lodge is receiving a massive face lift this winter. Almost all of the summer female and school-year staff have lived in the 8 bedrooms of the dark long hallway of Loberg's basement. Many games have been played, books have been read, and late night talks have happened in the lounge with its brown Superior stone fireplace.

Loberg was one of the first large winterized buildings constructed at HoneyRock back in late 1970s and named in honor of Dan Loberg, a long time camper who died in a car accident. This 2 story, 10,000 square foot building cost $160,000 to build. This past month the entire basement was gutted down to the 2x4s and will be re-built by summer with a new ventilation system, new bathrooms, and updated electrical, furnishings, and decor. All of this is in preparation for the expanding  graduate program and new  Vanguard Gap Year program beginning next year.

Do you have a great Loberg Lodge story we need to hear? Please send it our way. Are you interested in helping us complete the project by adopting a room or helping us purchase a new outdoor wood boiler to heat the building? Let us know. Want to see the new facility when it is done? Join us this spring for our Partners and Friends Weekend, May 22-25, 2015 when we re-dedicate the new Loberg Lodge to another 40 plus years of service and break ground on a new health center....Lord willing.

Have wonderful Christmas celebrating the Lord's birth with your family and friends.