After almost 35 years of heavy year round use Loberg Lodge is receiving a massive face lift this winter. Almost all of the summer female and school-year staff have lived in the 8 bedrooms of the dark long hallway of Loberg's basement.
The season of Advent means there is something on the horizon the likes of which we have never seen before…What is possible is to not see it, to miss it, to turn just as it brushes past you.
When the leaves change, the snow falls, and the stars twinkle, one must make it a choice to recognize the astonishing beauty that nature gives us. It is important to take a look around and notice the remarkable gifts that God has given to all beings.
Over the summer, a couple people have asked us for our Oatmeal Bake Recipe. While we keep our bread recipes under wraps, the Oatmeal Bake is fair game.
Many have asked about the weather - is it cold? rainy? windy? We've had a little bit of all the above...but mainly just clouds. While it's chillier than normal, we're still having so much fun!
There's a buzz on camp this morning - we're getting ready for more Res campers to arrive! Buses are picking campers up down south, last touches are being made to Cabin Impacts, cabins are being fluffed for new campers, and deliveries are being made.
That about covers the updates of different areas of camp - stay tuned for more on 2:22! We're pumped to welcome families to Family Day this Thursday. If you haven't already, please register.
Yesterday Intro Campers had a busy morning: breakfast, Cabin Impacts, worship, and activities. After lunch, their day continued in a not so normal way: Adventure Fest!
It's Sarah here, the girl behind the camera this summer. I'm going to tell y'all how to see pictures of your kids while they're at HoneyRock by way of FAQ.
There's a different feel around camp today - breakfast was a little louder, Devo circle announcements took a little longer, and last minute preparations continue. Some returning staff loosely compare today to Christmas morning - so much preparation.
We don't know about you, but for us the countdown is on for Intro and Advance Camp, as well as Service Team! If you've been to HoneyRock, do you remember that first drive down Highway X and into camp?
Every weekday morning, the HoneyRock community gathers at 7:45, sharp. You see, we start our days together with a time of devotion: listening to the Word, hearing testimonies, and praying for the day.
While our oldest campers just arrived, in one week we will welcome our youngest: Intro Campers. We thought you parents might want some information that may help the packing experience and transition to camp.