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Technology Policy

Group of friends talking outside at HoneyRock Camp in Three Lakes, WI


Life Unplugged

From its beginnings in 1951 as HoneyRock Fellowship, HoneyRock has been “a place apart” — a place where participants can go to “disconnect” from the distractions of the world. In today’s electronic media culture, where entertainment and communications are ubiquitous, this is especially applicable. 

Even though today people expect instant, ubiquitous "connection," the purpose of being at HoneyRock is to take a break from that reality to be present with those immediately around you. While we are not "anti-technology," we believe that taking a break from being constantly "plugged-in" for a short time can help give a healthier outlook on technology/media's place in our lives. 

Most of what we perceive to be a need — constantly checking email, replying immediately to text messages, keeping up with social media, websites and other "feeds"— these are habits with addictive properties formed in today's environment of media and technology. You should expect to have significant withdrawal symptoms, especially during your first few weeks at HoneyRock. The inner struggle to "let go" and engage with activities and life at HoneyRock is normal and part of the learning and growing process. 

We intentionally restrict/deny certain uses of technology for most groups and specifically for seasonal staff, students, campers and visitors. This is part of the HoneyRock experience in order to discourage defaulting to entertainment as a way to pass time. At HoneyRock, we encourage and work at building community. Whereas “social media” encourage online presence and result in physical absence, HoneyRock seeks to restore the physical presence and interpersonal interaction crucial to identity formation and community building.

Approved Uses

HoneyRock has access to the Internet for communications, administrative and academic use. This is provided only for faculty, staff, and students during class times.

Cell Phones

There is limited cell phone coverage in the area.  During the summer we have designated areas for cell phone use.  No personal calls are allowed on the office phones.  However, we are happy to take messages and pass them along to you at 715.479.7474 x 201 during our normal summer business hours (9am-5pm). 

Internet Access

We have a computer lab available to seasonal staff during off hours.  There is limited (due to space in our lab) Internet access for laptops (Ethernet only). We suggest bringing a USB Flash Drive (or using cloud storage) to store files as our computers reset themselves daily. 

More Resources

Read more about the principles that support HoneyRock's philosophy of technology. 
  • Flickering Pixels by Shane Hipps
  • Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman
  • Email Dr. Read Schuchardt