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Work at HoneyRock

HoneyRock staff showing children pottery

Summer Applications Now Being Accepted!

Working at HoneyRock is far more than just a job. It's living and working within a community of believers who are committed to serving God, our guests, and each other as we fulfill our mission to equip and empower young people for leadership, disciplemaking and kingdom service.

If you are passionate about serving in this way and want to have a blast doing it, HoneyRock may have a position for you.

You will be a part of a ministry team consisting of approximately 170 paid staff positions who work among the larger community of HoneyRock's student programs, camper programs and full-time staff from early May to mid-August. Positions are available in site and facilities, program areas, kitchen, office, activity area staff, barn, or counseling. You must be 18 or older to apply.

Graduate Assistantships

HoneyRock provides the opportunity for graduate students to live and work on site through the school year through graduate assistantship positions. These are paid positions that begin typically in September and end in mid-March. Individuals in these roles may apply for summer positions as well.

Learn more about Graduate Assistantships.


HoneyRock Fellows

The HoneyRock Fellows are a group of college graduates seeking personal growth, ministry training, leadership development, and vocational discernment. Fellows generally share a common interest in outdoor ministry and desire to grow and develop individually as they serve and lead others in the outdoor context. Fellows apply for specific jobs within HoneyRock that support the year-round functions of HoneyRock as well as the oversight of Vanguard Gap Year students.

Learn more about HoneyRock Fellows.

Apply to Fellows.

The permanent staff of HoneyRock is a community of believers who serve Christ in life and vocation year-round. The organizational structure of HoneyRock is consolidated into three main departments: Site & Facilities, Program, and Support. A majority of our staff reside in the Northwoods of Wisconsin year round; whereas, a smaller segment operates from our Southwoods office in Wheaton, IL.

Permanent staff positions open periodically and are handled by Wheaton College Human Resources.