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Wheaton College Heritage

Since 1951

Wheaton College, one of the leading Christian liberal arts colleges in the country, has owned and operated HoneyRock since 1951. Throughout its long history, HoneyRock has developed and trained young people and college students to impact the church and society worldwide for Christ. 

Dot and Harvey Chrouser at the dedication of the HoneyRock Chrouser Dining Hall on September 2001 Coach Harvey Chrouser welcomes campers on the bus taking them to Boys' Camp at HoneyRock.

HoneyRock was started by Coach Harve Chrouser, his wife, Dot, and a team of professors and coaches as a leadership and character formation laboratory for college students and youth. This group found the camp-like, outdoor environment to be an ideal place for building relationships, facing challenge, working hard, and playing well. In Coach’s own words: 

“While Honey Rock is called a camp, it is essentially an educational project designed to be a leadership laboratory providing an internship experience where the student undertakes total leadership responsibility of the cabin group in a camp-living situation. The Honey Rock idea was to create for the student a new kind of teaching-learning environment, unlike the school model.” 
  • "We sought to deformalize teaching and make it more relational and discipling.”
  • “We want to instill a desire for involvement which outweighs the desire to be entertained.”
  • “It is our intentional plan to structure into everyone’s experience at HoneyRock a reasonable amount of stress and struggle compatible with the age group.” 
  • “To be involved in a work experience day after day is for most [youth and young adults] a new test…” 
  • “College should help the student make three discoveries… proof of learning, proof of self, and proof of God.” 

Since that time, HoneyRock has grown into a year round ministry of Wheaton College with programs for youth and students alike.