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Financial Aid Forms

Please submit forms ONLY if requested and only for the correct aid year.  Forms needing a signature MUST have a hand-written signature.  We cannot accept digital or computer-generated signatures.  Uploading to our secure upload URL (www.wheaton.edu/sfsupload), faxing, or mailing are acceptable.

Deadline: Students must provide verification documentation prior to the last day of the student’s enrollment for Campus-based, Direct Loan, and institutional need-based aid. However, for maximum consideration of Campus-based and institutional need-based aid, verification documentation must be received prior to the annually established priority deadline date, which varies for new and continuing students. Verification documentation must be provided for Pell Grant applicants prior to 120 days after the last day of the student’s enrollment.

Important: Funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, and awards cannot be processed until all requested verification items have been received. If financial aid disburses after semester payment is due, students are subject to late fees and interest charges.

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2018-19 and 2019-20 Forms