About the Director
Dr. Noah Toly (’99) is Director of the Center for Urban Engagement and Professor of Urban Studies and Politics & International Relations at Wheaton College. He also serves as Non-Resident Senior Fellow for Global Cities at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and teaches on cities and urbanism in the Free University of Berlin’s Center for Global Politics. He has written numerous books and articles on urban and environmental politics. In 2011, he was named an Emerging Leader by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. In 2012-2013, he served as Senior Fellow at the University of Chicago’s Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion. In 2015, he was the first recipient of the Emerging Public Intellectual Award given by a coalition of faith-based North American think tanks (The Acton Institute, Cardus, and The Center for Public Justice) in collaboration with the Centre for Christian Scholarship at Redeemer University College. He currently serves on the Advisory Council of Together Chicago, as well as the Steering Committee of the Thriving Cities Project and on the research team for the Project on Vocation and the Common Good, both based at the University of Virginia.
Dr. Toly is a frequent speaker on cities, urban life, and the environment. Along with invited lectures at higher education institutions such as Christ College Taipei, Gordon College, Hope College, Judson University, Ming Chuan University, Redeemer University College, University of Chicago, University of Illinois – Springfield, and University of Virginia, he has given invited talks to industry groups, investment professionals, and municipal administrations. His work has appeared in Books & Culture, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Comment, The Hedgehog Review, and other publications, and he made appearances on Moody Radio and NPR, and has been interviewed for stories by the New York Times and The Atlantic. In addition to his academic work, Dr. Toly has published Cities of Tomorrow and the City to Come: A Theology of Urban Life (Zondervan) and What is Mercy Ministry? (Presbyterian & Reformed, co-authored with Philip Ryken).
For additional information, see Dr. Toly’s CV.
CUE Core Faculty
Dr. Noah Toly, Professor of Politics & International Relations, Director of the Center for Urban Engagement, Director of the Aequitas Program
Dr. Christa Tooley, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies and Anthropology
CUE Supporting Faculty
Dr. Vincent Bacote, Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the Center for Applied Christian Ethics
Dr. Jim Beitler, Associate Professor of English
Dr. Johann Buis, Professor of Music
Dr. Sally Schwer Canning, Professor of Psychology
Dr. M. Daniel Carroll Rodas, Blanchard Professor of Old Testament
Dr. Susan Greener, Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies
Dr. Jeremy Cook, Assistant Professor of Economics
Dr. Theon Hill, Assistant Professor of Communication
Dr. Brian Howell, Professor of Anthropology
Dr. Karen Johnson, Assistant Professor of History
Dr. Charles “Chris” Keil, Professor of Environmental Science
Dr. Gregory Lee, Assistant Professor of Theology
Dr. Brian Miller, Associate Professor of Sociology
Dr. Matthew Milliner, Associate Professor of Art History
Leah Samuelson, Associate Lecturer of Art
Michael Stauffer, Associate Professor of Communication
CUE Guest Faculty
David Doig, Guest Faculty (beginning ’18-’19) and President of Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives
Brian Jenkins, Guest Faculty (beginning ’18-’19) and President of Entrenuity
Dr. Arloa Sutter, Guest Faculty and Executive Director of Breakthrough
CUE Staff
Rachel Brown, Assistant Director for Student Engagement
Jordan Anderson, Assistant Director for Community Engagement
Kari Vandervelde, Office Coordinator
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