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Posted April 21, 2015 by
Tags: OnCUE

It's an exciting time of year. Every April, while classes are winding down, CUE is gearing up for the fall semester. In the past few weeks, we've been working with our Fall 2015  Wheaton in Chicago cohort to prepare them to make the most of their semester-long immersion experience.

What does this preparation involve? How do we help position our WIC students for a semester of living in and learning from Chicago? Of course there are some practical (like registration) and logistical (like storage) things we need to help with. But there are a number of other things we do to prepare our students for their internships, vocational exploration and discernment, cross-cultural learning, and leadership development.

Here are just a few:

Of course, preparation doesn't end with the end of the spring semester. All of our students also register for URBN 399 Pre-Field Preparation, a 0-credit summer correspondence course in which they'll secure their fall internships and continue to focus on how to use our fall program as a platform for developing cross-cultural competency and engaging in vocational discernment.

So while the spring semester may be coming to an end, this is just the beginning for our fall WIC students. We look forward to working with all of them over the coming months.