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Campus and Community Resources

Wheaton College has many resources available to help in the event of a sexual assault. Questions, reports and requests will be handled with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.

Survivors of sexual misconduct may speak with one of the College’s designated Confidential Advisors. Confidential advisors are available to provide emergency and ongoing support to individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct:

Confidential Advisors Contact Information

JoAnn Nishimoto, Psy.D.
Wheaton College Counseling Center
Tue, Thu, Fri: 630.752.5321
All other times:  847.337.7892

Travis Satterlee, LCPC, CADC
Heritage Professional Associates
During business hours:  630.653.9700
After hours:  847.421.7632

The Confidential Advisors only report to the College that an incident occurred without revealing any personally identifiable information. Disclosures to confidential advisors do not trigger any College investigation. Please note that limitations of confidentiality exist for individuals under the age of 18.

Additional On-Campus Confidential Resources                                                                          

The College has designated the Counseling Center, Student Health Services, and the Chaplain’s Office as additional confidential resources on campus. Students may contact these resources as follows:

Wheaton College Counseling Center: 630.752.5321 

Wheaton College Student Health Services: 630.752.5072

Wheaton College Chaplain’s Office: 630.752.5087