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Prayer Groups

World Christian Fellowship offers prayer groups for students who are passionate about a country or people group to meet and pray on a regular basis. Prayer group subjects, times, and dates are featured below.

Prayer Groups on Campus

Wheaton Cares

When: Sundays from 3:00-4:30pm

Location: 1006 N. Washington Ave.

Contact: Robert Brabenec at robert.brabenec@wheaton.edu

Focus: This prayer group prays over campus prayer requests and sends notes of encouragement to those who have asked for prayer.

Student Intercessory Prayer

When: Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30pm

Location: Gold Star Chapel (Lower Beamer)

Contact: Emma Clark at emma.clark@my.wheaton.edu

Facebook Group: 


Focus: This prayer group intercedes for various people and situations differing week-by-week. Often we also intercede on behalf of those who attend the prayer group.

For more resources on prayer, please visit the Prayercast website below to learn more about how you can praying for people all over the world.


If you are interested in resources to pray for the nations on your own, One Way Ministries in Naperville offers Prayercast >> for Christians who are passionate about partnering with the global Church in prayer for our world. In their own words, “Prayercast is a viral community who seeks to coordinate and activate world-changing prayer. We are consumed with a fervency to exalt Christ and advance His gospel to the corners of the earth. To this we are fully committed. Ultimately our hope is that souls would be saved as the Body of Christ unites in prayer—and as He hears and intercedes on behalf of those prayers."

To accomplish this vision, Prayercast harnesses the fluidity of the internet with the strategic use of media, music and, of course, prayer. Every two weeks a new Prayercast will be featured, highlighting a specific world prayer need.

We ask that you commit to pray with us. Covenant to pray—consistently, aggressively, faithfully so that the kingdoms of this world may become the Kingdom of our Lord.

How To Use the Prayercast Site

Sign up to Prayercast via email or RSS to receive updates when a new Prayercast has been added. Included with each video is a downloadable prayer guide to use in your personal devotional time or to share with your small group. After meditating on each Prayercast, we encourage you to post your own prayer to the ‘Leave Your Prayer’ section of each post so that we can collectively submit the needs of each nation or topic to God. (Information taken from One Way Ministries Website)