Explore opportunities to lead below:
Applications due April 15th, 2019
"Service gives expression to the ideas and theories we are learning, and helps us to gain practical experiential knowledge." -YHM cabinet member
BreakAway Ministry Cabinet enjoys creating opportunities for personal transformation by having Wheaton staff, faculty, graduate school students, and undergraduate students serve together during Spring Break. Look through the BAM Job Descriptions to consider where your skills might fit best on the team.
Christian Service Council Cabinet serves to mobilize students to serve and share the Gospel in the Chicagoland area through weekly and one-time opportunities. Look through the CSC Job Descriptions to see where your skills may fit best to serve the team and Wheaton's campus community.
Global Urban Perspectives Cabinet seeks to raise student awareness of urban issues by mobilizing them to live out the incarnational Gospel in cities around the world through campus-wide events and summer immersion programs (6-9 weeks over the summer). Look through the GUP Job Descriptions to see where your skills may fit best to serve Wheaton's campus.
Summer Ministry Partners Cabinet enjoys mobilizing and equipping students to partner with the global church and to make known the Kingdom of God among the nations through summer immersion programs (6-9 weeks over the summer). Look through the SMP Job Descriptions to consider where your skills may best serve the team and Wheaton's campus.
World Christian Fellowship Cabinet seeks to create opportunities for global peacemaking and dialogue by raising student awareness, equipping global leaders, and contributing toward the work of our global partners. Look through the WCF Job Descriptions to consider how your skills might contribute to the team and serve Wheaton's community.
Youth Hostel Ministry Cabinet mobilizes and equips students to serve the traveling communities of Europe through living in community, offering friendship, evangelism and hospitality during summer immersion programs (10 weeks over the summer). Look through the YHM Job Descriptions to see where your skills might be best placed on our team.