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Serve Off Campus

Serve Off Campus

At Wheaton College, we are committed to providing students with the opportunity to learn through service "For Christ and His Kingdom." We partner with local and international organizations and faculty and staff throughout the College community to offer unique ministry experiences.

Student Volunteers
National and International Partners
Raised Annually
Service is an essential part of my life as a Christian because it is an active way to put off my selfish desires and learn to humble myself before others. — Skyler Laney '20

Learning Through Service

There are several different student run ministries that serve local as well as global communities. Please look through what each ministry offers to find ways to get involved. If you would like more information, you are welcome to visit at anytime! 

Whether you are passionate about mentoring and tutoring in Chicago, ministering with students, faculty and staff over spring break, dialoguing with international Christian leaders over dinner, or spending your summer living and learning among the poor, there are many opportunities for partnership to serve "for Christ and His Kingdom".


School Year Service

Service opportunities offered during the school year

Summer Service

Service opportunities offered during the summer

#WHEATONserves | ChicaGO Service Day from Wheaton College on Vimeo.