Under the supervision of a Residence Director, a Resident Assistant (RA) serves a residence hall floor by cultivating an environment that fosters community through caring relationships, an attitude of service, words of encouragement, and a willingness to lovingly discuss breakdowns in integrity. An RA works to create relationally and physically safe places for students to be supported and challenged to engage in authentic relationships in order to live out the body of Christ and grow in his likeness.
RA Position Description
- As the leader on the floor encourage floor members’ growth toward wholeness in Christ, maturity in thought, speech and behavior, and in their understanding of living together as members of Christ’s Body.
- Listen and respond to student concerns, making referrals to other campus resources when necessary.
- Develop relationships with each student on the floor and organize regular floor fellowships or community building events.
- RAs in Fischer and Smith-Traber should plan opportunities for the brother-sister floors to develop relationships with each other.
- Meet weekly with the RD or GRA for further training, advice and support.
- Meet weekly with your hall staff for training, support and continued development.
- Cultivate relationships of mutual support and encouragement with residence hall staff members through weekly team meetings and through informal contacts.
- Work collaboratively with other community leaders (i.e CLC/UCC/DSG) on your floor to help build, shape and program in your living area.
- Clarify and hold students accountable to follow the procedures, policies, and traditions of the residence hall and of Wheaton College.
- Schedule concentrated relationship-building time, while supervising the residence hall, one night per week and one weekend night from 7:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m.
- Manage the check-in, check-out, maintenance requests, finances, posting of information and open floors for a floor of 15-55 students.
- Participate in the fall semester RA Class called “Student Care and College Ministry.”
- Attend the January Residence Life retreat that centers on refocusing and reflection.
- Other duties as assigned by the Residence Director
- Evidence of Christian character and commitment
- Must understand and support the Community Covenant
- Must have no other major time commitments beyond being a student and an RA
- Clear communication skills
- Leadership potential
- A desire to encourage students to develop into whole and effective servants of Christ
- Ability to relate to students and staff
- 3rd year junior or 4th year senior
- Not on chapel or disciplinary probation
- Maintain a minimum 2.3 cumulative GPA
- Be a full-time degree seeking undergraduate student with a maximum 16 credit load
2019-2020 Application Process
October 25-26: Resident Assistant Application become available at information tables in lower Beamer from 9am-2pm. After these dates, applications may be picked up in the Residence Life Office on the second floor of the Student Services Building in the Student Development suite. The RA Professional Reference is included in the application and as a separate document for ease of access. It may be emailed to reslife.@wheaton.edu or faxed to 630.752.7226.
November 1: RA Informational Meeting at 9:30pm in the Science Building Lecture Hall (room 145) with the Dean of Residence Life and Resident Directors.
October 19 - November 1: Before your RA fills out your reference form, you must have a 15-20 minute conversation with him or her.
October 19 - November 1: Submit your application to the Residence Life Office and sign up for an interview and collage time.
November 12 - November 28: Interviews held with a team of Residence Life staff.
November 12 - December 7: Collages with a group of up to 10 other RA candidates and three-four RDs and the Dean of Residence Life.