Special Interest Clubs at Wheaton College
Badminton Club
To build an inclusive community for new and experienced players to enjoy recreational badminton.
Board Game Society
To create a place and time of relaxation and destressing for the Wheaton community through board, tabletop, and card games.
The Catholic Society of St. John Paul
To provide and enhance connections to and within the Catholic student community on campus.
The Creation Society
To open dialogue about Young Earth Creationism, to discover what the Bible says about creation, and to discuss scientific evidence in light of Biblical creation.
To show that anime is a medium, not a genre, and to show beauty through these films.
Student Managed Investment Fund
To equip and educate members in the process of managing the group's Fund through immersion in an environment that seeks to replicate that of a professional asset manager. Check out our website to find out more.
Students for Religious Liberties
To educate the student body on the state of religious liberties in the United States and the world. To be an intermediary between students and D.C. organizations.
The mission of this club is to promote career development amongst the women on Wheaton's campus. Through facilitating conversation, encouraging action, and exploring career possibilities, Thrive4 hopes to bridge the gap between women as students and women in the workplace.
The Thunderbirds
The Thunderbirds exists to unite Wheaton's campus over a common admiration for birds. We routinely go on birding outings (no previous experience required) and occasionally host other events related to ornithology.
The U
To see God bring revival to the campus of Wheaton College.
Wheaton College Republicans
Wheaton College Republicans strives to search out and uphold biblical principles and values and apply them to politics and participation; to create political awareness on the college campus; to provide opportunities for political participations; and to promote the platform of the Republican Party.
Wheaton College Running Club
The Wheaton College Running Club provides an opportunity for students to fellowship through athletics outside of competitive sports. The Wheaton College Running Club meets once weekly to run together and all levels of runners are welcome.
Wheaton College Tolkien Society
To bring together Wheaton College faculty, staff, and students to enjoy, discuss, and have activities relating to the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien. More
Wheaton ESports
To bring students together into community and new friendships through video games and video game related activities.
Wheaton Melee
To provide a community for Wheaton students seeking to learn, teach, and encourage one another in competitive Super Smash Bros.
Wheaton College Democrats
Wheaton College Swing Dance Club
To foster community and a love of swing dancing through lessons and dancing.
Wheaton Fly Fishing Club
To promote fly fishing as a form of outdoor recreation, providing an environment conducive to learning about the arts of fly fishing and to develop a conservative ethic.
Wheaton Melee
To provide a community for Wheaton students seeking to learn, teach, and encourage one another in competitive Super Smash Bros.
Young Americans For Freedom
To advocate for the ideals of limited government, free enterprise, traditional values, a strong national defense, and individual responsibility. To discuss how these ideals relate to our Christian faith.