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Sub-Creation Logo

Sub-Creation is an online literary journal devoted to promoting genre fiction. We publish art, essays, and stories authored by the Wheaton College community. We believe that no story should be disqualified from serious literary attention simply because it deals with elves, space ships, whodunits, and superheroes.

Who We Are

We are a group from within the Wheaton College Tolkien Society and borrow the journal's name from Tolkien's famous essay "On Fairy-Stories." Humanity was made in the image of a Creator God, and because of this we all have a longing to create. This creation under the auspices of the Creator, i.e. "sub-creation," might come as a painting, a building, or as an entire world created with the written word. This is what we want to encourage within the Wheaton College community: Use your God-given creativity to create with words, mirroring God's creation with the Word; not presuming God's true creative power, but imitating it with humility as children imitating their Father.

For more information, feel free to email us.

Sub-Creation cover Spring 2019 - 100

Read our current issue: Spring 2019 Issue

Read Back Issues   |   Submission Guidelines   |   Journal ISSN: 2575-6192

  • Curious about who writes for Sub-Creation? Hear from Anna Jakubiec, one of the authors in our community, in this interview.
  • Want to learn more about writing and the publishing industry? Local fantasy author Tim Akers gave a lecture on campus about his journey as an author, and the path to publishing.

Tim Akers Lecture

  • Sub-Creation is looking for new leadership on our design and editorial team. Let us know if you would like to help.

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Sub-Creation Art Gallery