Wheaton College Mock Trial exists to give students of all majors an opportunity to explore the legal world and gain first-hand experience on how a trial is conducted.
The Basics
The “Mock Trial Team” consists of 6-10 members who play lawyers and witnesses in a fictitious case provided by the American Mock Trial Association, or AMTA. Over the course of the year, the team works with the case material to develop direct examinations, cross examinations, opening statements, and closing arguments—a complete case for both prosecution/plaintiff and defense. After preparing its case, the team travels around the country to compete against other colleges and universities in rounds scored by volunteer judges and lawyers.
We have two attorney coaches—Brooks Locke and Diane Michalak—who are strongly committed to advancing the team and investing in each member. The attorney coaches assist the team members in drafting case documents and in understanding the Rules of Evidence. This year, we have two teams, both of which will eventually compete in AMTA’s Regional Competition in February.
Visit the Wheaton College Mock Trial blog to learn more or contact a cabinet member with any questions!