The great variety of student clubs on Wheaton's campus offers many opportunities for students to collaborate with their peers who have like interests, hobbies, and passions.
Get Involved
With genres of clubs ranging from academic honor societies, performance, social justice, and special interest groups, there is something for everyone. These student-initiated and managed clubs truly enrich the atmosphere of Wheaton College, providing avenues for students to express their passions and interests, develop leadership and management skills, and have a ton of fun.
See the clubs Wheaton has to offer:
- Academic Clubs
- Cultural Clubs
- Performance Clubs
- Publications
- Social Justice and Advocacy Clubs
- Special Interest Clubs
Charter a Club
If you are someone who has a unique interest, hobby, or passion that is not already addressed in a current club, you are invited to charter a new club. The benefits of obtaining an official club status include the privilege of reserving space, advertising, and receiving monetary allocations from student government. If you would like to begin this process, please follow the steps below:
- Please email to set up a time to discuss your club interest.
- Complete packet, which will include finding a minimum of 8 people to be part of your club as well as a faculty or staff advisor.
- A new club will not be charted until someone from the group connects with the SAO before completing the Club Charter.