As many new students discover, the transition from high school to college is an exciting time filled with new ideas, opportunities and responsibilities.
The aim of 1-2-1 is to support and encourage incoming multicultural students as they navigate their freshmen year at Wheaton College. We do this through personal relationships with freshmen of color and organizing freshmen fellowship events. Our cabinet is also responsible for organizing the OMD Christmas and OMD Spring banquets.
Senior Mentor: Gloria Yoon 1-2-1 Leader: Favor Ezewuzie 1-2-1 Leader: Gabidel Miranda 1-2-1 Leader: Anna Hwa 1-2-1 Leader: Amanda Shim 1-2-1 Leader: Emma Wen 1-2-1 Leader: Lauren Whitfield 1-2-1 Leader: Chae Weon Lee Senior Mentor: Joseph Hur 1-2-1 Leader: Stephen Mathew 1-2-1 Leader: Kyong So 1-2-1 Leader: Anajuwon (Jay) Spencer 1-2-1 Leader: Will Creagh 1-2-1 Leader: Jaelin Goldsmith 1-2-1 Leader: Santiago (Diego) Hernandez
How to find more information
Talk to the current 1-2-1 leaders or stop in the OMD and talk to Billye Kee (1-2-1 advisor)
Upcoming Events
1-2-1 Freshmen Sunday Dinner: Sun., February 3rd, 5:30-7pm, Fischer 126 |
1-2-1 Freshmen Sunday Dinner: Sun., March 3rd, 5:30-7pm, Fischer 126 |
1-2-1 Freshmen Sunday Dinner: Sun., March 24th 5:30-7pm, Fireside Room |
1-2-1 New Leaders Training-Fellowship Session: Tue., April 16th, 4-6pm, Smith Traber |