The Wheaton College Graduate School Chaplain is a part of the student care network and offers hospitality, pastoral counseling, prayer support, and mentoring for graduate students, faculty, and staff.
The Graduate School Chaplain oversees the chapel program for the Wheaton College Graduate School thereby encouraging the continuing development of the spiritual life of graduate students and faculty. He brings 40 years of pastoral ministry and over 5 years of institutional chaplaincy to this position. The chaplain also has two graduate students who work primarily to assist him in the planning and execution of the chapel program and who meet with the chaplain regularly for mentoring and discipleship. His office is in BGC 218.
Graduate School Chaplain Rev. Dr. David McDowell
After serving Wheaton College admirably as Interim Chaplain in 2014-15, Rev. Dr. David McDowell was asked to serve permanently as the Chaplain of the Graduate School.
Dr. McDowell graduated from Wheaton College in 1968 with a B.A. in psychology, and then earned a Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a Master of Sacred Theology from Union Theological Seminary, and a PhD. in Theology and History from Trinity Theological Seminary. His ministry of more than 40 years has involved three pastorates, including College Church of Northampton, MA, and serving as Assistant Chaplain at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Most recently, Rev. McDowell completed his ministry as Senior Pastor of Community Fellowship Church in West Chicago, IL. His ministry has been characterized by special care for the spiritual needs of young people. He often speaks of his love for creating an environment where people are challenged to live out the gospel and serve others
Rev. McDowell is ideally suited to work at Wheaton as he, his wife Gloria '70, and two of his five children are Wheaton College graduates. He also serves as a member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors. The College is grateful to God for providing someone who brings wisdom, experience, and passion to serve the Graduate School community.