2018-2019 Schedule
All Graduate School Fall Picnic Tuesday, August 28th from 5:00 – 6:30 pm, BGC Lawn
December Recognition Service & Reception Wednesday, December 12th during Grad Chapel
January Graduate School Orientation Friday, January 11th
Graduate Student Life Week March 25th – 29th
All Graduate School End of the Year Picnic Tuesday, April 23rd from 5:00 – 6:30 pm, BGC Lawn
Graduate Student Life will be hosting other community building and
professional development related events throughout the school year.
Dine with a Mind (DWAM)
The Dine with a Mind (DWAM) program is an opportunity to connect with a Wheaton College faculty member over a meal, covering both you and the faculty member, in Anderson Commons (the college cafeteria) for personal and professional enrichment. This is a privilege that can be used once each semester by degree seeking graduate students while tickets last.
After making your meal appointment with someone, inform the Graduate Student Care office to obtain a meal ticket.
Please email graduate.student.life@wheaton.edu at least 24 hours in advance of the anticipated meal and include:
- Your name
- Your ID number
- Your CPO number
- The mind you will be dining with (aka, the faculty member)
- The date of the dining
These tickets will be sent to you via campus mail once the request has been made.
Year Round Events
World Christian Fellowship is a student led group that provides worship, special speakers and a focus on global missions each Sunday evening during the school year.
Student Wives Fellowship encourages friendship and helps foster a sense of community. For information, contact Peggy Moshier 630.293.5688.
College sport events: Football, soccer, baseball and basketball are free to students and their families.
College Union occasionally hosts artists and musicians across all genres, and also has other events for all campus to attend.
A wide variety of concerts are presented throughout the school year, ranging from free student and faculty recitals, college choirs and instrumental groups, to the outstanding Wheaton Artist Series.