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Flexible Learning Resource Guide

We're so pleased you are a part of Wheaton College Graduate School. The information here is designed to help your student transition go as smoothly as possible. If you can't find what you need here, you may always contact graduate.admissions@wheaton.edu.






For All Flexible Learning Students

(Domestic and International as Noted)


  • Important Terms Used at Wheaton: 
    • Wheaton Portal is the place to access information and tools such as your my.wheaton.edu email account, Banner Self Service (though which you register for courses, drop and add courses, see your grades, request transcripts and so on), Schoology, access your student account, pay your bills, see academic calendars and resources and more. By logging on to the portal, you are will also be automatically logged into many of the online systems used at Wheaton. 
    • my.wheaton.edu email address. It is Wheaton College policy that students, faculty, and staff are to communicate electronically only via my.wheaton.edu email, Wheaton Portal, and Schoology. Be sure to check these regularly. Before you do anything else, make sure you’ve set up your my.wheaton.edu email account by visiting Account Setup. 
    • Schoology Learning Management System houses your course assignments and your program-related Community Group. Once you register for classes, you will be able to use your normal log in to see your courses in Schoology and your Program Coordinator will add you to Community Groups for your program.
    • Banner is the administrative software database program that powers everything from applications to the Wheaton portal to grading to transcripts after graduation. Virtually every office at Wheaton relies on to enable us to get our jobs done. Banner allows you to do all the things listed in the description of the Wheaton Portal (above).
    • AIT: Academic Instructional Technology: our campus tech people that help with everything tech-related. 
    • ThunderCloud: Wheaton’s cloud-based services for Wheaton student, staff and faculty needs such as printing via the Net, Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus software, and Box cloud storage. 
  • Enroll in Classes at Wheaton: Our helpful form provides all the steps in the process.
  • Register for Classes: Note: you must first be enrolled as a student and have a MyWheaton account to register for classes.


Academic Resources

Technology Resources

Other Resources