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People of Wheaton College Graduate School

Find out how our students have become servant leaders and scholars in a variety of professions and are impacting the world for Christ and His Kingdom.

Class of 2016

Congratulations to our newest group of alumni! Watch this video to learn more about their experiences at Wheaton and how they plan to serve Christ and His Kingdom.


Chee-Chiew Lee

Chee-Chiew Lee Ph.D. '10


Biblical and Theological Studies

Current Position

Associate Professor of New Testament
School of Theology, Chinese
Singapore Bible College, Singapore

Experience at Wheaton

"My learning experience at Wheaton has been rich and fruitful in many ways. Wheaton College’s Ph.D. program brings together a unique combination of interdisciplinary studies, rigorous scholarship, and a deep concern for the edification of the church through biblical studies and theological reflection. It has been a privilege for me to work with and learn from the faculty, who are both fine scholars and godly individuals. All these have been essential in shaping me to be a more effective theological educator in the Majority World. I especially appreciate the opportunity to commence dissertation work at the beginning of the program, which is an important factor for me to complete the program in good time. I am also grateful for the tuition scholarship and fellowship stipend, which contributed significantly to making my doctoral studies a reality. As I return to Singapore, my home country, to serve, fond memories of my time of learning and spiritual growth with the faculty, the staff, and fellow students at Wheaton will always move me to give thanks."

Dane OrtlundDane Ortlund Ph.D. '10


Biblical and Theological Studies

Current Position

Senior Editor, Bible Division
Crossway Books, Wheaton, IL

Experience at Wheaton

"It has been a great mercy of God to study at Wheaton. I am very grateful to have worked under Doug Moo, who helped me in all sorts of important ways in my scholarly development. The integrative blend of Bible and theology was rich and fruitful. Learning intercanonically-sensitive exegesis from Greg Beale was a crucial source of learning and growth. The program is generous financially, which takes an otherwise heavy burden off us students and frees us to focus on our studies. I bless God for his kindness to me in giving me a season of full-time study here."

HoneyRock Faculty Muhia KarianjahiMuhia Karianjahi M.A. '03


Interdisciplinary Studies (Education and Intercultural Studies)

Current Position

Graduate Studies Manager; HoneyRock Outdoor Center for Leadership Development; Three Lakes, WI

Adjunct Professor of Christian Formation and Ministry; Wheaton College Graduate School; Wheaton, IL

Experience at Wheaton

“I came to Wheaton with the express desire to read and write about a church based rites of passage program I wash involved in back home in Kenya. I found the IDS program perfect for that. I enjoyed the spiritual formation elements of Education. My teaching methods were forever impacted by the Christian education classes. From the Intercultural side I learned a lot on leadership from Dr. Gallagher, and contextualization with Dr. Moreau who also supervised and held my hand through my thesis. I went back home and from the thesis wrote a training manual for churches to run rites of passage programs. This was all very highly impactful to me and to ministry back home. After ten years doing camp and youth ministry in Kenya after graduating, I am back at Wheaton at the HoneyRock Outdoor Center for Leadership Development. I oversee the graduate program there as well as global initiatives.”

Josh and Alicia CroweJosh and Alicia Crowe M.A. '07


Intercultural Studies

Current Position

Missionaries to Tokyo, Japan

Experience at Wheaton

“My wife, Alicia and I graduated in May 2007 from the Intercultural Studies (INTR) and Missions program. The department impacted us both in ways that we are still discovering. Our time in Japan has been marked by one challenge after another, yet our foundation has remained strong and steady. INTR prepared us to look to Christ as the constant in this life of ever-changing situations. Our marriage has been stronger, our missional focus clearer, and our passion more resolved than ever. Studying in the INTR department will always be a remembered as a pivotal moment in our lives. Each and every professor devoted more than we could have ever expected. We are currently finished our first term in Tokyo, Japan. We spent four years in the northern island of Hokkaido. We will be returning to the States for a year of support raising then we will return to Tokyo. We have been involved in the exciting youth culture of Japan. God is moving among this generation and we are blessed to be part of what He is doing.”

Wheaton alumna Myrto TheocharousMyrto Theocharous M.A. '07


Biblical Exegesis

Current Position

Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Greek Bible College

Experience at Wheaton

"Wonderful scholars that I had always admired were either graduates or taught at Wheaton College and that was something that attracted me to this school. In the course of the two years of my MA studies in Biblical Exegesis I was exposed to a variety of classes, brilliant professors of vibrant faith and rigorous scholarship that was the best preparation for moving on to a doctoral degree. Wheaton College gave me admirable models to emulate in my own teaching and mentoring of students and taught me to match my careful analysis of God’s word with a prayerful dependence on the Spirit of Truth that has always led His church."

Moses LenthangMoses Lenthang M.A. '13


Evangelism and Leadership

Current Position

Assistant Pastor, University Bible Fellowship

Experience at Wheaton

"I graduated in 2013 with a degree in Evangelism & Leadership. This program impacted me in many ways. First of all, God unpacked all my baggage and clarified my doubts. God instilled within me a new passion and joy that I always wanted. I realized that the purpose of my study is not knowledge, skills or a degree. God’s purpose was to make me whole. It was indeed a wonderful moment to discover my own self and who God is. The second thing that impacted me was from Dr. Rick Richardson. He made me understand what the gospel is and how should I present it in the ever-changing culture of our time. I learned that as a builder needs to know how to use hammer and a nail, Gospel workers needs to be equipped to present the gospel well through stories, movies, images, that it will stay in the heart and mind of the person. I also learned many great lessons through guest speakers and exposure to different churches such as New Life Community Church, Naperville community Church, Lawndale community church, Wheaton Bible church, and Willow Creek church, that paved a way for me to plant a church. Evidently, in January 2013, based on Matthew 22:37-39 in a team of five students including myself, we planted a church called, 'Neighborhood Community Worship Service,' on Devon Ave in the Rogers Park Neighborhood of Chicago. The primary purpose is to reach out Hindus, Muslims, and those who are far from God by providing a place of worship. I am forever indebted to all my professors who have equipped me to engage in this multi-cultural Neighborhood Community evangelism in Devon Ave, Chicago. I pray God may use my family for Christ and His Kingdom."

Laura Schwent Shultz Psy.D. '12


Clinical Psychology

Current Position

Director of Behavioral Health at Christ Community Health Services in Memphis, TN

Experience at Wheaton

"As I have now worked in several different clinical settings, I can confidently state that the training I received at Wheaton was fantastic. Not only have I felt beyond prepared as a clinician and a researcher, but I have developed a deeper level of compassion for those I serve. There are many ways in which I have grown through my time at Wheaton.

For example, I recall distinctly a comment that Dr. Yangarber-Hicks wrote on one of my papers during my first year. I had written that I tended to be a 'black and white' thinker and she scratched in the margin, 'That will change here. You will need to learn to accept that there is much more gray.' At the time, I did not fully understand what she meant and I inwardly felt a bit of resistance when reading her comment. She continued to stretch my thinking throughout my time in the program, as did many of the other faculty members. 5 years later, after sitting with many people hurting from various illnesses or difficult circumstances, I have indeed seen much more gray, and I am better for it both professionally and personally.

Wheaton stretched me personally and spiritually, while also equipping me with all the knowledge I needed to excel in various professional settings. I will forever be grateful, as I have been forever changed."

Derek BradleyDerek Bradley M.A. '06


Intercultural Studies

Current Position

Director of Asia Pacific Programs for ISEP

Experience at Wheaton

“[Dr.Gallagher’s] classes were life changing. I graduated in December 2006. I was in the Intercultural Studies program with the cohort that took classes on campus during the summer and in Thailand in January. It gave me the lenses I needed to interpret and understand the culture I was working in and ministering to at the time (China), but also prepared me to apply those lessons to any context. It also profoundly affected my spiritual life--the courses on Acts and on Leadership were unforgettable. They brought me into an awareness of the Holy Spirit and challenged so many paradigms, especially reading Celebration of Discipline. I saw God's heart for the nations (not just for Israel) in the Psalms. And I grew in my spiritual walk alongside some of the most incredible people I've ever met.

Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program at Wheaton CollegeMary Westergren M.A. '13


Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Current Position

Licensed Professional Counselor; at Cornerstone Counseling Foundation; Chiang Mai, Thailand

Experience at Wheaton

"After twenty five years engaged in traditional missions in southeast Asia, it was time to tackle something new in 2012, something that I was passionate about - mental health care for international workers. The Wheaton program integrated Christian faith and worldview with academic excellence, enabling me to confidently minister to cross cultural workers at vulnerable points in their life journey.

Currently, I am working as a counselor at Cornerstone Counseling Foundation in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I am an LPC, working towards LCPC licensure. At Cornerstone we work with a wide range of mental health issues, primarily with International Workers throughout the Asia Pacific region.

Besides a strong academic background, I gained some invaluable training at Wheaton. I was encouraged to think more critically and to consider a broad range of perspectives on any number of issues before forming my own conclusions. I was given necessary tools and resources for continuing in my own professional development; I am constantly reading. Many professors modeled for me a deeply integrated approach to Christian faith and sound mental health care practice. I appreciated the Wheaton focus to provide mental health care to the least reached, which includes the urban poor, rural communities in the US and cross-cultural workers living abroad. "

Wheaton alumnus Kyle TenantKyle Tennant M.A. '13


Christian Formation and Ministry

Current Position

Connections Pastor at First United Methodist Church; Warren, OH

Lead Pastor at {re}generation church plant

Experience at Wheaton

"My time at Wheaton was crucial to sharpening my sense of call to pastoral ministry and equipping me with an articulated philosophy of, or perhaps blueprint for, ministry. At Wheaton, I learned what I most value in ministry and how to put those values into practice, incorporating best practices from the history of the church to connect people to Christ and to one another. The truth is, much of my pastoral work in church planting has been influenced by my studies; how we do ministry is a direct expression of the philosophy of ministry I developed during my time at Wheaton."

History of ChristianLindsey Hankins M.A. '09


History of Christianity - Early Christianity Concentration

Current Position

Ph.D. Student, Princeton Theological Seminary

Experience at Wheaton

"Receiving the Early Christian Studies Fellowship was the catalyst I needed for bringing broad interests into refined focus through intimate seminar courses, the expertise and interests of peers in the program, and regularly scheduled conferences. Here I found not only the tools to further develop research and writing skills, but an entrance into an encouraging community as committed to academic rigor as it is the integration of that scholarship into everyday life.

Wheaton's Early Christianity program has been an incredible asset in my work as a doctoral candidate particularly with regard to the high value placed on critical engagement with primary source material in original languages. Moreover, the depth of relationships I gained from both peers and faculty has continued to be a network of encouragement, inspiration and constructive feedback for which I am exceedingly grateful."

Wheaton College Graduate School alumna Maggie Wallem RoweMaggie Wallem Rowe '75, M.A. '14


Biblical Studies

Current Position

National speaker, dramatist, and freelance writer

Senior Publicist for Tyndale House Publishers

Experience at Wheaton

“The M.A. in Biblical Studies program allows me to serve full-time in ministry while obtaining my degree. It is both an answer to prayer and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.”

Chris AtwoodChris Atwood Ph.D. '14


Biblical and Theological Studies

Current Position

Senior Pastor; First Presbyterian Church of Miami; Miami, FL

Experience at Wheaton

My experience at Wheaton was extremely positive. I was surrounded by faithful and thoughtful faculty and other graduate students. My dissertation supervisor, Dr. Treier, was a wonderful friend and guide through my project and I am so very thankful for the chance to study under him. Studying at Wheaton has opened up lots of doors for me vocationally and I would highly recommend the program to anyone wanting to be a part of a learning community which top-notch scholarship and a passion for serving Christ and his church.