Our admissions counselors are equipped to lead you through the admissions process.
Serving these States
Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia, Illinois Zip Codes 60100 - 60179, 60500 - 60599
In Their Own Words
You are approaching one of the most important decision making moments in your life and I count it a distinct privilege to walk with you through this point in your journey. Navigating the college search isn’t an easy process, so my prayer for you is the same as Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian church—that God “may give you the Spirit of wisdom” as you seek His will for your next step.
While I did not attend Wheaton for my undergraduate years, I’m no stranger to its community and value. Studying mathematics in a Christian liberal arts context led me to Wheaton’s campus my senior year of college to hear from former president of the Mathematical Association of America, Francis Su. Through his presentation of a practical application of Helly’s theorem, I was able to see a connection between mathematics and the social sciences, all within the context of a community rooted in Christian virtue. For me, that was a uniquely high caliber experience that was totally unexpected to say the least. But, I came to understand that this type of experience was to be expected at Wheaton College.
The opportunity to serve as the counselor for the Southern region feels something like a homecoming. With a large portion of my family residing under the shade of Floridian palm trees, fun memories of east coast surfing trips and family outings to Disney theme parks come to mind. Serving students in the southern states will certainly be a joy! I look forward to getting to know you more in the coming months. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. I am eager to assist you in this process and welcome you on our campus.
Contact Nate