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Leonard Blair Jr., Admissions Counselor

Our admissions counselors are equipped to lead you through the admissions process.

Serving These States and Students

Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming, Illinois Zip Codes 61200 - 62999

In His Own Words

Admissions Rep Profile VariantHey! My name is Leonard Blair Jr. As a 2018 graduate of Wheaton College, I am excited to be back and help students determine if Wheaton is the place God is calling them!

During my college search I looked at schools that would challenge me spiritually and academically, and where I could participate in competitive athletics. I was blessed to find Wheaton to be a great combination of all of the things that I wanted in a school.

During my freshman year God drastically changed my plans for my college years. I planned on being a four year varsity football player, but due to an injury I found myself taking a leap of faith and getting involved in parts of campus I hadn't considered. This injury turned out to be one of the biggest and most unexpected blessings of my life. As a result, I was able to participate and serve in many different parts of the campus community. Some of my favorite opportunities were in the Office of Multicultural Development, Residence Life, and the BRIDGE program. In these groups I found communities of diverse people from different ethnic backgrounds, denominational backgrounds, social perspectives, and socioeconomic statuses. Despite our differences, one thing we had in common was a commitment to striving to be more like Jesus Christ on a daily basis.

As your admissions counselor, I hope to help you envision yourself here at Wheaton doing something that you love as part of a community that is aspiring to be more like Jesus. The Wheaton College experience changed my life forever and I want to assist you in exploring what a Wheaton College experience could look like for you. I am praying for the Lord's guidance as you continue your college search and I'm looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Contact Leonard