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Ellen Egerton, Admissions Counselor

Our admissions counselors are equipped to lead you through the admissions process.

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Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois Zip Codes 60000 - 60099, 69000 - 61199 + Wheaton North High School

In Her Own Words

Admissions Rep Profile VariantWelcome! As a 2015 Wheaton College graduate I am so glad to know you are considering this remarkable place on your college journey. I am who I am today largely because of the way the Lord used Wheaton College to transform me: I am eternally grateful!

Despite growing up in a neighboring town to Wheaton, I truthfully had no idea about the highly formational Christian education that I could receive from an institution that was right down the street. Thankfully, my youth pastor encouraged me to investigate and once I was on campus I knew this was where I wanted to be. What stood out to me then and has continued to be a hallmark of my experience is the character, intellect, depth and Christian commitment that I felt among the students, faculty and staff. I encountered so many different people, perspectives, and opportunities to be challenged inside and outside of the classroom to love God more fully. My professors opened up their homes, offices, and lunch hours to mentor me and allow me to ask deep questions. My friends encouraged me to pursue what I am passionate about, make fun memories, and dig deeper into my faith. Overall, the experience formed my ability to think well as a Christian about the world. Some of my other favorite memories include the annual President’s Ball (dancing with the majority of the student body at various venues across the city), studying abroad in Israel and Chile, serving in a summer internship as a youth director, and attending awesome on campus concerts and guest speakers.

My time at Wheaton launched me into the world of software sales, ministry, and continued growth in my walk with the Lord. I am thrilled that the Lord lead me back to campus for the opportunity to connect with students, to learn your stories and backgrounds, and what excites you most about a college experience. Please feel free to reach me via phone or email at any point. It is my absolute joy to connect with you, and I look forward to serving you in your admissions journey.

Contact Ellen