A Wheaton education prepares you for a livelihood and a life dedicated to serving Christ and his kingdom.
About the Conservatory of Music
A Message from President Philip Ryken
Wheaton College is an explicitly Christian, academically rigorous, fully residential liberal arts college and graduate school located in Wheaton, Illinois. Established in 1860, Wheaton is guided by its original mission to provide excellence in Christian higher education, and offers more than 40 undergraduate degrees in the liberal arts and sciences, and 14 graduate degrees.
"Wheaton is often called the Harvard of the evangelicals, but that moniker does not do it justice because it is head, shoulders and heart above Harvard in its concern with good moral compasses and strong value systems, as well as the percentage of PhDs it has turned out."
Loren Pope
Author, Colleges That Change Lives
If you are interested in our Conservatory of Music, we have put together a playlist of recent performances.
For more information about enrolling at Wheaton College as an international student please contact our office of admissions.
With a more than US$400 million endowment through the Wheaton Fund and other gifts from alumni, parents and friends, the cost of every student’s education is subsidized by nearly one third. Wheaton provides merit scholarships for strong academics and demonstrated leadership.
About 30% of your tuition is paid for by Wheaton College
Wheaton College has:
- 2400 undergraduate students
- representing all 50 states
- 90+ countries
- and 34 denominations
Early action application deadline
November 1
(notification by December 31)
Regular action application deadline
January 10
(notification by April 1)
As the top-rated Christian liberal arts university in the United States, Wheaton College is focused on three priorities – Christ-focused academic excellence, transformative community living, and a culture of authentic and credible role models.
As the top-rated Christian liberal arts university in the United States, Wheaton College is focused on Christ-focused academic excellence, transformative community living, and a culture of authentic and credible role models.
Wheaton graduates make their home in 118 countries around the world. Wheaton is both a gathering place and a sending place.
At the heart of the Wheaton College mission are Wheaton College students – the young men and women God has called to our campus for education, apprenticeship and discipleship.