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Conservatory of Music Deadlines

Application and all supporting documents are due in the Admissions Office by application deadline dates. We will acknowledge the receipt of your application by mail. When all supporting documents have been received, we will notify you by email or mail that your application is complete. Please contact the Admissions Office if you do not receive notification within seven to ten business days of submitting your application to us.

Application Type
Application Deadline
Interview Deadline
Recorded Audition Deadline On Campus Audition Deadline
Decision By
Reply Date
Fall First-Year
Early Action
November 1 November 1 November 28 December 3 December 31* May 1
Fall First-Year
Regular Action
January 10 February 1 February 13 February 18 April 1* May 1
Fall Transfer March 1 March 1 February 13 February 18 Beginning April 1* May 1
Spring First-Year or Transfer October 1 October 1 October 15 November 9 Beginning November 1* December 1


* Note: If you're currently living outside the United States, you may choose to have your decision letter faxed or emailed to you. Emails to Early Action applicants will be sent by January 5, and emails to Regular Action applicants will be sent by April 1.