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Parents and Families

At Wheaton, we are committed to bringing a high quality education at an affordable price. We understand that College by nature is an expensive endeavor, so we have provided many different grants and loan opportunities to students.

A word of encouragement: The financial aid process can be complicated and tedious, but it does get easier each time. Furthermore, we have found from conversations with families and from personal experience that the entire financial aid process of decision-making and application can be a very rich time of parent-student dialogue and prayer. More importantly, it can provide a wonderful opportunity to test the waters of trusting God and discerning His will.


What parents need to know

All information that is pertinent to parents of students have all been collected to this page. Make sure that you read this before proceeding.


What parents need to do

Once parents have read about what they need to know, they can visit this page for a concise list of things that they need to do in their child’s financial aid.