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Costs 2019-2020

Students walking outside of Edman Chapel




Summer 2019 - per hour



For 12 - 18 credit hours



Hours over 18 - per hour



Hours under 12 - per hour



Special Student - per hour




Summer 2019

Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

MA per credit hour



Audits, per course



PsyD per credit hour



PhD per credit hour



Refer to for specific course numbers and fees.




18 AYCE* + $50 Thunder Bucks



210 Meal Block + $50 Thunder Bucks



14 AYCE + $50 Thunder Bucks



160 Meal Block + $50 Thunder Bucks



10 AYCE + $50 Thunder Bucks



65 Anytime Block



 *AYCE = all you can eat meals per week
18 or 14 AYCE plan required for dorm resident students.




Triple or double dorm room



Single dorm room



Apt. or House (single students)



North Housing Townhomes and House $3,615 $7,230

Married - 1 bedroom



Married - 2 bedroom



Married - House



Specific questions about board and housing should be directed to the Housing Office - 630.752.5202.