The many internship possibilities offered through Wheaton in Chicago enable a student to make tangible contributions to a diverse list of organizations while learning practical career skills in their area of interest. Students engage their internships sites with knowledge of the Civitas framework encouraging an emphasis on vocational discernment that prioritizes the advancement of just, sustainable, and flourishing urban communities through the academic study of cities and transformational experiences of urban life.
Past Internships
- Chicago Field Museum Asian Collection
- Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives
- Urban Meadows (Thresholds)
- Emmaus
- Streetwise
- Inspiration Café
- Jane Addams/Hull House
- National Interfaith Committee
for Worker Justice - Breakthrough Urban Ministries
- Institute for Community Empowerment
- Bethel New Life
- Cambodian Association of Illinois
- Lawndale Christian Health Center
- Sunshine Gospel Ministries
- One on One
- Operation PUSH
- Sally Carns Design
- Women Employed
- Congressman Bobby Rush
For more detailed information about the Wheaton in Chicago Internship Program, please refer to the Urban Studies Internship Handbook.
Download the Handbook