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Certificate in Religions of the World

Add/Drop Certificate in Religions of the World

You can notify the Registrar’s Office and the director of the Certificate in Religions of the World if you wish to enroll or drop the certificate program.

Access the Drop/Add Form

Details on the Certificate

The Certificate in Religions of the World is an interdisciplinary curriculum designed to help students investigate the histories, beliefs, practices, and socio-political contexts of the non-Christian religions of the world in global cultures. The interdisciplinary focus of the program prepares students to understand the diverse human experiences encountered in these religions. By exploring a wide variety of non-Christian religious expressions nationally and internationally, students will become more informed and better equipped Christian citizens as they engage our diverse world in life, vocation, and mission.

Students from any major are eligible for the 24-hour Religions of the World certificate. Students will complete an eight-hour core of courses that investigate philosophical, sociological and theological approaches to world religions. In addition, students will select 16 hours of courses from a variety of offerings from different academic departments. No more than 4 hours may be selected from the Global Christianity category.

Core Requirements (8 hours)

  • RELI 225 Major World Religions (pre-req CORE 101)
  • PHIL 315 Philosophy of Religion or
    SOC 366 Sociology of Religion (Pre-req Soc 115 or 116 or consent of instructor)

Elective Units (16 hours)

  • Students select courses including the following elective options.
  • No more than 4 hours may be selected from the Global Christianity category.

Religions of the World

  • ARCH 369 Religions of Israel and the Ancient Near East
  • PHIL 226 Asian Philosophy (2)
  • PHIL 227 Asian Philosophy
  • *PHIL 315 Philosophy of Religion
  • PSYC 484 Psychology of Religion (2) (Requires Jr/Sr status)
  • RELI 362 Judaism (2)
  • RELI 364 Islam
  • *SOC 366 Sociology of Religion

Global Christianity

  • ANTH 324 Anthropology of Global Christianity (2)
  • BITH 398 Eastern Orthodox Theology

*See core requirements above, either course becomes a potential elective for the certificate contingent upon the course selection for the core option.