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Previous Years' Philosophy Speakers

Spring 2018 Speakers

Reason and Conscience: The Double Ground of Religious Toleration in Pierre Bayle

February 13, 2018  |  Dr. Kristen Irwin, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University

Aquinas on Omnipresence

March 20, 2018  |  Dr. Jeffrey Brower, Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University

Gratitude: An Ancient Virtue for the Modern World

April 12, 2018  |  Dr. Jed Atkins, Assistant Professor of Classical Studies, Duke University

Fall 2017 Speakers

A “Post-Racial America”? White Gazes and Black Bodies

September 14, 2017  |  Dr. George Yancy, Professor of Philosophy at Emory University

Eternal Fulfillment? Some Thoughts on the Afterlife

October 4, 2017  |  Dr. Kevin Hector, Associate Professor of Theology and the Philosophy of Religions, The University of Chicago Divinity School

“Six or Seven Life Lessons That I Have Drawn from Kierkegaard”

November 16, 2017 - Annual Kierkegaard Lecture  |  Dr. Gordon Marino, Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Hong Kierkegaard Library at St. Olaf College


Spring 2017 Speakers


Pride - Both Good and Bad

February 16, 2017  |  Dr. Kevin Timpe, W. H. Jellema Chair in Christian Philosophy (Ph.D., Saint Louis University) at Calvin College 

The Return of the Natural Law

March 2, 2017  |  Dr. J. Budziszewski, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Yale University) at University of Texas at Austin

The Strange Uses of Political Religion

March 13, 2017 - McManis Lecture  |  Dr. Charles Taylor, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy (Ph.D., Oxford University) at McGill University

The Socratic Idea That Reason Should Rule the Whole Soul--and Its Freudian Fate

April 18, 2017  |  Dr. Jonathan Lear, the John U. Nef Distinguished Service Professor (Ph.D., Rockefeller University) at the Committee on Social Thought and at the Department of Philosophy at The University of Chicago

Fall 2016 Speakers


A Postmodern Saint? Augustine in France

August 31, 2016  |  Dr. James K.A. Smith, Professor of Philosophy and Gary & Henrietta Byker Chair in Applied Reformed Theology & Worldview (Ph.D., Villanova University) at Calvin College

Can Christ be Kant's Rational Person?

September 28, 2016  |  Dr. Thomas McCall, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology and the Director of the Carl F. H. Henry Center for Theological Understanding (Ph.D., Calvin Theological Seminary) at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Specifically Christian Sins: Thomas Aquinas on Malitia, Acedia, and the Sins against the Holy Spirit

November 15, 2016  |  Dr. Colleen McCluskey, Associate Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Iowa) at Saint Louis University


Spring 2016 Speakers


Rethinking Art

March 1, 2016  |  Dr. Nicholas Wolterstorff, Noah Porter Professor Emeritus Philosophical Theology Divinity School and Religious Studies (Ph.D., Harvard University) at Yale University

Is the Incarnation of God Impossible?

March 23, 2016  |  Dr. Tim Pawl, Associate Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Saint Louis University) at University of St. Thomas

Rethinking 'One Thought Too Many'

April 7, 2016  | Dr. Marcia Baron, Rudy Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of North Carolina) at Indiana University


Fall 2015 Speakers


Are We Harming the Global Poor?

September 16, 2015  |  Dr. Steven Daskal, Associate Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Michigan) at Northern Illinois University

Does Suffering Provide a Good Reason for Atheism? A Skeptical Theist’s Analysis

November 5, 2015  |  Dr. Michael Bergmann, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame) at Purdue University

Revisiting Thomas Aquinas on Human Creativity and the Environment

December 1, 2015  |  Dr. Therese Scarpelli-Cory, Assistant Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Catholic University of America) at University of Notre Dame


Spring 2015 Speakers


The Mercy-Justice Paradox in Historical Perspective

January 22, 2015  |  Dr. Alex Tuckness, Assistant Professor of Political Science (Ph.D., Princeton University) at Iowa State University

Turning to Aquinas in Moral Philosophy

February 24, 2015  | Dr. Candace Vogler, David B. and Clara E. Stern Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh) at University of Chicago

Orientations to the Good: Beyond Consequentialist and Retributivist Theories of Blame

March 24, 2015  |  Dr. Christopher Franklin, Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of California-Riverside ) at Grove City College


Fall 2014 Speakers


Need As a Reason To Believe In God

September 17, 2014  |  Dr. Cliff Williams, Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Wheaton College & Professor of Philosophy Emeritus (Ph.D., Indiana University) at Trinity International University

The Trouble With Talking About God

October 14, 2014  |  Dr. Jonathan Jacobs, Associate Professor of Classical and Medieval Philosophy (Ph.D., Indiana University) at Saint Louis University

Hope As a Christian Theological Virtue

November 19, 2014  |  Dr. Nancy Snow, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame) at Marquette University


Spring 2014 Speakers


Repentance in Human Experience: On Interpersonal and Historical Turning

January 23, 2014  |  Dr. Anthony Steinbock, Associate Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook) at Southern Illinois University

Morality and Blame

March 19, 2014  |  Dr. George Sher, Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Columbia University ) at Rice University

Fall 2013 Speakers


Kant, Hegel and the Fate of Reason

September 26, 2013  |  Dr. Merold Westphal, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus (Ph.D., Yale University) at Fordham University

To Be or Not To Be: The Avicennian Distinction between Essence and Existence and Its Repercussions in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas

October 16, 2013  |  Dr. Jon McGinnis, Professor of Classical and Medieval Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania) at University of Missouri-St. Louis

Ibn Rushd Averroes and Aquinas on Ultimate Human Happiness

November 12, 2013 - McManis Lecture  |  Dr. Richard C. Taylor, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Toronto) at Marquette University

What Makes Our Actions Right or Wrong? Al-Ghazali's Islamic Virtue Ethics

December 3, 2013  |  Dr. Luke Yarbrough, Assistant Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Princeton University) at Saint Louis University

Spring 2013 Speakers


Edward, Bella, and Aquinas: Resurrected Bodies that Sparkle in the Sun

January 24, 2013  |  Dr. Christina Van Dyke, Associate Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Cornell University) at Calvin College  

The Stories of Our Lives: Personal Identity and Narrative

Dr. Marya Schechtman, Professor of Philosophy and Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience (Ph.D., Harvard University) at University of Illinois at Chicago

Fall 2012 Speakers


God and Evil:  What NOT to Say?

September 6, 2012  |  Dr. Samuel Newlands, Director of the Center for Philosophy of Religion and Associate Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Yale University) at the University of Notre Dame

Hell and How to Get There

October 9, 2012  |  Dr. Charles Taliaferro, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Brown University) at St Olaf University

Divine Hiddenness

November 27, 2012  |  Dr. Michael Rea, Co-Director of the Center for Philosophy of Religion and Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame) at University of Notre Dame


Spring 2012 Speakers


Divine Elusiveness, Reasonable Nonbelief, and the Existence of God

February 9, 2012  |  Dr. Chad Meister, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Marquette University) at Bethel College (Indiana)

The Dignity of the Human Person

March 20, 2012  |  Dr. Gilbert Meilaender, Professor of Theology (Ph.D., Princeton University) at Valparaiso University

Philosophical Hermeneutics as the Postmodern Turn

April 17, 2012  |  Dr. Merold Westphal, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus (Ph.D., Yale University) at Fordham University


Fall 2011 Speakers


What's Wrong with Lying?

September 21, 2011  |  Dr. Thomas Carson, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Brown University) at Loyola University Chicago

How to Abandon Hope

October 13, 2011  | Dr. Andrew Chignell, Associate Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Yale University) at Cornell University

Emotions & Moral Knowledge

Dr. Robert Roberts, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Yale University) at Baylor University


Spring 2011 Speakers


Kant on Morality, Religion, and Purpose in Life

Tuesday January 25, 2011  |  Dr. Kyla Ebels-Duggan, Assistant Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Harvard University) at Northwestern University

Is Buddhist Enlightenment Salvation?

Wednesday February 16, 2011  |  Dr. Keith Yandell, Professor of Philosophy of Religion (Ph.D., Ohio State University) at University of Wisconsin, Madison

Anselm on Free Will

Tuesday March 22, 2011 - McManis Lecture  |  Dr. Katherin Rogers, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame) at University of Delaware

Aquinas on Human Personhood and Death

Tuesday April 12, 2011 - McManis Lecture  |  Dr. Jeffrey Brower, Associate Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Iowa) at Purdue University


Fall 2010 Speakers


Explaining God Away?

Tuesday September 14, 2010  |  Dr. Kelly Clark, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame) at Calvin College

Disagreeing about the Weather, God, and Other Important Topics

Wednesday October 13, 2010  |  Dr. Ted A. Warfield, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Rutgers University) at University of Notre Dame

Exploring C. S. Lewis' Many Loves

Tuesday November 16, 2010  |  Dr. Caroline Simon, John and Jeanne Jacobson Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Washington) at Hope College

Medieval Philosophy and the Foundations of Christian Intellectualism: How Augustine Made it Safe for Smart People to be Christians

Thursday December 2, 2010 - McManis Lecture  |  Dr. Scott MacDonald, Professor of Philosophy, Chair of the Sage School of Philosophy, and Norma K. Regan Professor in Christian Studies (Ph.D., Cornell University) at Cornell University


Spring 2010 Speakers


Animal Welfare and Global Sustainability: Eating as an Act of Christian Discipleship

Thursday January 28, 2010  |  Dr. Matthew Halteman, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Notre Dame) at Calvin College

What's So Bad about Stealing? Augustine and the Theft of the Pears

Thursday February 25, 2010  |  Dr. Susan Brower-Toland, Associate Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Cornell University) at St. Louis University

Can There Be a Complete Explanation of Everything?

Tuesday March 30, 2010  |  Dr. Timothy O'Connor, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Cornell University) at Indiana University Bloomington

Science and Religion: The Alleged Evolutionary Divide

Wednesday April 21, 2010  |  Dr. Del Ratzsch, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Massachusetts) at Calvin College


Fall 2009 Speakers


Who's Afraid of Philosophical Realism: Taking the Emerging Church to Task

Tuesday, September 22, 2009  |  Dr. Kevin J. Corcoran, Associate Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Purdue University) at Calvin College

Edith Stein's Value Theory

Tuesday October 13, 2009
Dr. Mette Lebech, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Copenhagen) at National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Moral Objectivity without God

Thursday November 5, 2009
Dr. Russ Shafer-Landau, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Arizona) at University of Wisconsin