The annual Philosophy Speaker Series brings scholars from across the country to present new work being done in philosophy and to discuss topics of crucial interest to Christian thinkers. All lectures are free and open to the public.
Fall 2019 Speakers
Puzzles of Petitionary Prayer
Dr. Scott Davison, Professor of Philosophy, Morehead State University
Transformative Religious Experience and Empathy for Future Selves
Dr. L.A. Paul, Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Science, Yale University
Philosophizing by Listening to the Past
Dr. David Vessey, Professor of Philosophy, Grand Valley State University
Spring 2020 Speakers
Doing Nature: The Art of Real Places
Dr. Joel Sheesley ('72), Professor of Art Emeritus, Wheaton College
An Optimistic Pessimism
Dr. Hud Hudson, Professor of Philosophy, Western Washington University
Law, Variation, and the Stamp of Thought: The Importance of Reason in Kierkegaard
Dr. Eleanor Helms ('02), Associate Professor of Philosophy, California Polytechnic State University