Ian Gottschalk ('15) was awarded a DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service—roughly the German counterpart to Fulbright) undergraduate scholarship last April. This will enable him to spend next semester at the Eberhard-Karls-Universität in Tübingen studying hydrogeology (and possibly other disciplines). He's a Geol/German double major.
David Musick ('12) enters a M.Sc. program photonics at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena. He was a Math/Physics/German triple major, and he received a combination of scholarships that made this an attractive possibility. Jena is historically one of the world centers for the optics and glass industries (Leica, Leitz, Zeiss, etc., were all originally headquartered there, I think), and it's been having a resurgence since reunification 24 years ago (it was in East Germany).
Daniel Fuglestad ('14) had a second internship with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Stiftung = foundation), working on Israeli-Palestinian issues in Ramallah during the summer of 2013; his majors were IR and German.