The French major exists to help students develop awareness of the forms and functions of the French language in general, and to enhance students’ proficiency in understanding native speech and writing, and in communicating creatively and comprehensively that language.
The French Major
Through study of the historical, philosophical, religious and artistic development of French and Francophone cultures, through exposure to representative works of the various literary genres and related art forms of the French-speaking world as well as to issues and lifestyles of contemporary Francophone societies, and through personal interaction with native speakers in the countries where French is spoken, students will increase their understanding and appreciation of and empathy for the peoples of the Francophone world.
At the same time, this process will enhance students’ awareness of their own linguistic, cultural and religious heritage, as they learn, as enlightened citizens of the world and worthy representatives of the kingdom of Jesus Christ, to relate with respect and consideration to persons from other backgrounds.
Torrey Benware '13 explains how his French degree has expanded his world-view and benefitted his career as a United States Naval Officer.