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Classical Language Requirements

For complete information on courses please reference the college catalog.

Classical Language Major

Competency in Greek is required of ALL Classical Languages majors prior to taking GREK 494 (Senior Seminar) but competency in either Greek, Latin, or Hebrew is the prerequisite for the major course work. In the majority of cases this involves a 12 hr sequence of beginning Greek, Latin, or Hebrew. If additional beginning hours of a second or third classical language are taken they count toward the Supporting 14 hours.

Course Name Hours
GREK / LATN 101 or HEBR 301 Elementary I Greek / Latin / Hebrew 4
GREK / LATN 102 or HEBR 302 Elementary II Greek / Latin / Hebrew 4
GREK / LATN 201 or HEBR 401 Intermediate Greek / Latin / Hebrew 4

32 Hours Including

LING 321 Intro to Linguistic Science (Required)
Spring Term, B Quad
GREK 494 (Greek Comp. prereq.) Senior Seminar (Required) 4

CORE 12 Hours in one of the following concentrations: Greek, Latin or Hebrew. Courses in languages outside of one's chosen concentration count toward the Supporting 14 hours. (minor - 12 hours)

GREK 300 level courses

Reading (translation) or Greek Composition: not Exegesis 451/646 2-4 ea
LATN 300 level courses Reading (translation) 2-4 ea
HEBR upper division courses Reading or Exegesis (BITH 443/635 may count for Hebrew) 2-4 ea
GREK 495 Independent Reading and Research 1-4
LATN 495 Independent Reading and Research 1-4
HEBR 495 Independent Reading and Research 1-4

SUPPORTING 14 Hours chosen from: See notes under Prerequisites and Core. Not all courses are offered each year or regularly.

GREK 101, 102, 201 (beyond prereq hrs.) Elementary I, II, Intermediate Greek 4 ea
LATN 101, 102, 201 (beyond prereq. hrs.) Elementary I, II, Intermediate Latin 4 ea
HEBR 301, 302, 401 (beyond prereq hrs.) Elementary I, II, Intermediate Hebrew 4 ea
GREK/ LATN/ HEBR 495 Independent Reading and Research 1-4
GREK / BITH 451 Exegesis 2-4
ARCH 417 Egyptian Hieroglyphics (alt. years) 4
ARCH 418 Akkadian Cuneiform (alt. years) 2-4
ARCH 345 Archeology of the Classical World 4
PHIL 311 History of Philosophy (Early Greece) 4
 _______ Additional Greek / Hebrew / Latin courses  ( )
 _______ Approved advanced Grad. School offerings  ( )


Classical Languages Minor

The Classical Languages minor requires 12 hours beyond the intermediate level in the language of concentration (Greek, Latin, or Hebrew), and 8 hours to be chosen from the above "Supporting Hours" list. Senior Seminar and Linguistics are not required for the minor.